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FINISHEDAugust Promotion

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 2021.08.03.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconveniences.


◎ Promotion

Promotion starts from 2021.08.03.

For this promotion, bonus items are given based on the accumulated amount of Crown purchased from 2021.08.03 00:00 to 2021.08.09 24:00.

◎ [Awesome Purchase Gift Box] Component

※ All items from the event are character bound.
※ Items are awarded in a cumulative manner according to the amount of Crown purchased.
※ However, if you have received the reward items from the Promotion Event above, items purchased during the event cannot be refunded.
※ Reward items will be provided on 08.10 after the regular server maintenance.

Thank you!

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  • McCParktney[08-24-2021 06:06]

    I forgot buy muy Dark Amulet this month. I hope you'll add again guys, but i don't want wait many months....

  • nar23[08-10-2021 08:25]

    you dont know numbers of who respect God in this world dont belive movies they are just a lie's

  • nar23[08-10-2021 08:22]

    how you take people money and play with people religions this big mistake you are global company fix it .

  • nar23[08-10-2021 08:21]

    dont be like money slave's , God owner of the world create us respect him dont act like you now he can make your life bad whille you gaining siins and play with his name .

  • nar23[08-10-2021 08:17]

    GameKing you have to remove God name from the game this is big mistake many people dont accept to see go fix that is big not easy and dont use Holy,angel in the game you have to respect me and other .

  • nar23[08-10-2021 08:16]

    alsalam alykom everyone dont buy crown and dont waste your money this people dont care about your feeling they eating money so play free only and give your money to poor's so God take you to haven .

  • nar23[08-10-2021 08:16]

    alsalam alykom everyone dont buy crown and dont waste your money this people dont care about your feeling they eating money so play free only and give your money to poor's so God take you to haven .

  • williamkp[08-10-2021 04:20]

    good morning gameking, i would like to say something about, server improvement is in need of optimization, and i would also like you to bring good content to dmo who normally plays the game.

  • Rhl170988[08-09-2021 17:49]

    hi, got dc after 5-10min on leviamon 3 days already

  • broodmather[08-09-2021 15:58]

    hi. cant enter. connect( failure. server beelzemon

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