#01. New Digimon Added: Rafflesimon
Rafflesimon has appeared in Digital World.
1. Evolution Tree
2. Jogress: Rafflesimon
- Rank: SS+
- Evolution Lv. : 70
- Basic Attribute: Da
- Element Attribute: Wood
- Family: TBD
3. Ability Information
4. Skill Information
5. Condition to obtain Rafflesimon
- Rafflesimon is the Jogress form of Lotusmon and Rosemon (Palmon [Original]).
Open Evolution Slot of Floramon’s Lotusmon
Open Rafflesimon’s Evolution Slot through Quest [Rafflesimon: Data Core - Lotusmon] (Must be completed)
Open Evolution Slot of Palmon[Original]’s Rosemon
Rafflesimon evolution slot open after acquiring [Rafflesimon: Data Core-Rosemon] item through the promotional event
How to obtain [Rafflesimon: Data Core - Lotusmon] item
Tamer Lv. Must over 70
Receive the sub quest [A Call from Richard Sampson] from NPC Culumon at Dats Center
Tamers are able to obtain [Rafflesimon: Data Core - Lotusmon] after complete the quest [Rafflesimon's Digicore 3].
6. Rafflesimon Riding Mode
- Rafflesimon riding mode can be expanded after acquiring [Rafflesia] items through promotional events
02. New Seal Added
New Seal [4 Types] has added.
- New Seal Information
◎ New Seal Information
※ The 4 new seals added this time can be obtained through the event.
#01. [Last of 2020! Tamer’s Seal Crafting!]
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Quest NPC: NPC <Seal Event >Takato at Dats Center
- Process
- During the Event period NPC <Seal Event >Takato will appeared at Dats Center
- Tamers able to craft various Seal from <Seal Event >Takato
- <Seal Event >Takato Seal Craft List
#02. [Last Masters Match of 2020!]
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Quest NPC: <Masters Match> BanchouLeomon at Dats Center
- Process
- Apply to NPC <Masters Match> BanchouLeomon at Dats Center
- The Tamer will belong to either team [Yellow Moon] or team [Red Sun] automatically when Tamer participates in the Masters Match.
- The Team emblem will appear on Tamer, and the team is not changeable.
- Your team's score rises by the number of times you submit the item [Maters Match Data] to a BanchouLeomon.
- Condition to Obtain [Masters Match Data]
○ Quest
① Tamers are able to craft Masters Match Quest Start Item from <Masters Match Mission>Leomon
● <Masters Match Mission>Leomon Craft Recipe
※ [Masters Match Mission[(rank)] item cannot be destroyed or trade.
※ [Masters Match Data] is character bound.
○ Craft
① The Item [Masters Match Data] is able to obtain from NPC Grapleomon at Dats Center
② During the Event period, Monsters at all area will drop the [Damaged Masters Match Data] by low rate.
③ Tamer able to craft the [Masters Match Data] 1 ea with [Damaged Masters Match Data] 1 ea + [Memory Chip] 1 ea + 1M
● NPC Grapleomon Craft List
○ Masters Match Raid
① During the Event period, the Raid Boss Monster will appear at a certain time and location.
② The amount of [Masters Match Data] will be different according to the damage inflicted onto Raid Boss Monster.
③ The Boss Monster will appear on one of Silver Lake, Western Village, and Snowstorm Village areas at a certain time.
● Raid Boss Open Time
● Raid Boss Monster Reward
● [Masters Match Box: VR] Item List
※ All Event Item is Character Bound.
5. At the end of the event period, the winning team and losing team will be divided according to the team score, and [Masters Match Code] items will be rewarded according to their rank in the team.
- [Masters Match Code] Reward
6. [Masters Match Code] item items are paid as Gift & Reward item storage when accessed after the event period ends.
7. Tamers able to Craft a various item from Panjyamon by using [Masters Match Code] item
※ Tamers eligible for designated ranking compensation are not eligible for ranking compensation.
※ Panjyamon will disappear after the maintenance of 23rd Dec 2020.
※ [Masters Match Code] is not able to trade.
※ In the hope that the tamer will produce Masters Match compensation items before at the end of the event period, [damaged Masters Match Data], [Masters Match Data], and [damaged Masters Match Data] will be deleted after the Maintenance of 23rd Dec.
- Panjyamon [Reward: Advanced] Craft List
※ [Reward: Advanced] Craft Item able to be traded.
- Panjyamon [Reward: Normal] Craft List
※ Craft Item [Reward: Normal] is Character Bound.
#03. [Every day with Masters Match]
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ 14th Dec 2020
- Process
- Log-in reward will be changed during the period.
- Log-in Time Reward Item Information
● [Masters Match Box : D] Item List
#04. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in to Digimon Masters Online every day.
- Period: Unlimited
[About the Attendance Check]
- You can check the rewards of attendance check events from the "Event Contents UI" window every day.
- Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
- When the event cycle (28 days) is over, the attendance check record will be initialized and you'll restart from the first.
- Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
- The rewards are character bound.
[Attendance Check Rewards]
Please note:
- The reward item is not tradable.
- The rewarding time for the reward item is reset every midnight (Game king time PST).
[Patch Note]
- Fixed an issue where the fatigue Lv. was filled when repeating the equip / dismissal of Tamer's hp-related equipment.
- Riding Function Changed: Fatigue state recovery while riding -> Fatigue state stop (Excluding peace zones where recovery is possible)
* Digimon (Extra) accumulates fatigue even when riding the same as before.
- Among the items that can be obtained in some dungeons, non-tradable items have been changed to tradable items.
- The appearance of Rosemon of the Palmon[Original] family has been improved.
- In the in-game cash shop, the quantity of contents included in the product has been improved to be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where some Digimons that were not acquired during the Digimon Encyclopedia were displayed as acquired.
During this promotion period, purchase all cache products from Dec 01, 2020 (Tuesday) to Dec 08 (Tuesday)
One crown point per crown ($0.1 of steam) will be paid, depending on the number of items held
After temporary maintenance on Dec 08, 2020, the Reward Item below will be paid to the Cash Warehouse.
※ All Event Items except [Rafflesimon: Data Core, Rafflesia] are Character Bound.
※ Steam User will be given for [Rafflesimon: Data Core, Rafflesia] [Event] according to the sales policy for the service.
※ The Items will be paid cumulatively depending on the number of crown Points held.
※ The Crown Point will be deleted after the maintenance of 8th Dec.
#01. Seal Master Package [Special] Limited Sale (Gameking Only)
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Seal Master Package [Special] [Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 198C]
- Seal Opener 250 ea
- Seal Exchange Ticket [Event] 3000 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 3 ea
#02. Rafflesimon Package [2 Types] Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Rafflesimon: Splendid bloom Package
[Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 198C]
- Palmon[Original] Digiegg Lv.4-5 1 ea
- Floramon DigiEgg [Lv.4-5] 1 ea
- Duplicated Hatch Backup[Lv.5] 1 ea
- Plant Mid Class DATA 20 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 3 ea
- Rafflesimon: Blooming Package
[Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 149C]
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Palmon[Original] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Floramon 2 ea
- Duplicated Hatch Backup[Lv.5] 1 ea
- Plant Mid Class DATA 20 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 2 ea
#03. Slot Open Package [2 Types] Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Slot Open package Type-A
[Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 99C]
- Mercenary Slot Expansion 1 ea
- Inventory Expansion+1 30 ea
- Warehouse Expansion+1 21 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 1 ea
- Slot Open Package Type-B
[Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 149C]
- Mercenary Slot Expansion 1 ea
- Digimon Archive Expansion+1 15 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 2 ea
#04. Fancy ID Card [4 Types] Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Fancy ID Card – President [30Days] Box
- Fancy ID Card – In The Club [30Days] Box
- Fancy ID Card – Blaze Step [30Days] Box
- Fancy ID Card – X Color Power [30Days] Box
[Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 49C]
#05. Reinforced Digiclone Package Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Reinforced Digiclone Package
[Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 189C]
- Reinforced Digiclone S 3 ea
- Reinforced Digiclone A 3 ea
- Reinforced Digiclone B 3 ea
- Reinforced Digiclone C 3 ea
- Reinforced Digiclone D 3 ea
- Backup Disk 20 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 3 ea
#06. Accessory Enchantment Package Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Accessory Enchantment Package [Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 149C]
- Option Change Stone 20 ea
- Number Change Stone 10 ea
- Amazing Renewal Increase Stone 10 ea
- Amazing Digitary Power Stone 5 ea
[Bonus Item]
Fortune Cookie 2 ea
#07. Digimon Boost Package [Special] Ver.2 Limited Sale
Period: After maintenance of 1st Dec 2020 ~ before maintenance of 15th Dec 2020
- Digimon Boost Package [Special] Ver.2 [Sale: [1 ea] ▶ 30C]
- Digimon Boost - [Attack] +50% 5 ea
- Digimon Boost - [Defense] +50% 5 ea
- Digimon Boost - [Max HP] +50% 5 ea
- Digimon Boost - [Max DS] +50% 5 ea
- Digimon Boost - [Skill Damage] +100% 5 ea
- Digimon Boost - [Critical Attack] +100% 5 ea
- Digimon Boost - [Speed]+35% 5 ea
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Add CommentBot player will win this event, this is a joke guys. dont force ur self to this EVENT.
Your greedy never dull, it seems. I have no interesting of return to this lame game. You're lost lot of players who sent a tickets.
Really? Make people spend money for crowns? I admit it's lame that I can't get response from tickets. Scamking! :V You're losing more than before!
300$ to get joggress Rafflesimon,that is insane. I better save and buy a ps5 better
You are losing more then what you think,you guys need a better plan because your killing this game
if linkz is still alive,i'd rather choose linkz than DMO.
But screw up the game in every way possible
NO WHERE does it say ON the actual item in the shop that to obtain Rosemons core you must Do the promotional event NO where This is just shameful 8 years I've putin and your company has done nothing
What a scam I play on the Steam version And wasted 16 bucks on this BS! I want my money back! OH WAIT i cant cause if I remotely Try to get a refund MY account would end up getting banned
https://dodaj.rs/image/dmo.LF4LTT can u fking solve this error i cant even come to game omg