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FINISHEDCollect the Carnation


# 01. Collect the Carnation
- Collect the Carnations and exchange them to rewards during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 23rd May 2018

[Collecting the Carnations]
- Carnations drop from monsters of all areas by certain chance.
- Carnations do not drop from Yokohama Village and dungeons.
- You can exchange the Carnations to various consumable items through Sarah Damon and 
  Homer Yushima in DATS Center.

[Sarah Damon Exchange Item List]

 - Energy Pill / Carnation 10ea
 - Chicken Combo / Carnation 5ea
 - Cheese Pizza / Carnation 15ea
 - Pepperoni Pizza / Carnation 15ea
 - Meat Pizza / Carnation 15ea
 - Double Chicken Combo / Carnation 15ea
 - Gold Banana / Carnation 20ea

[Homer Yushima Exchange Item List]

 - Plugin Card [AT]+30% / Carnation 20ea
 - Plugin Card [DE]+30% / Carnation 20 ea
 - Plugin Card [HPMax]+30% / Carnation 20ea
 - Plugin Card [DSMax]+30% / Carnation 20ea
 - Plugin Card [Skill Damage]+100% / Carnation 40ea
 - Plugin Card [Critical Damage]+100% / Carnation 40ea
 - Plugin Card [Speed]+30% / Carnation 30ea
 - Attribute EXP Booster [15 Days] / Carnation 40ea
 - Amplification Booster +300% / Carnation 30 ea

※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ Event material items will be removed after the event.

# 02. Fanglongmon is on Fire!

- Fanglongmon's all abilities will be increased by 50% during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018

[Fanglongmon Boost]

  - Fanglongmon's abilities are increased by 50% during the event term.
- HP, DS, Attack, Skill Damage and DS Cost are buffed.

※ The status of Fanglongmon will return to normal after the event.

# 03. Stop the Huge Blossomons!

- Some of the Blossomons have mutated and became violent. Stop the Blossomons that 
  randomly appear from all areas during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018

[Hug Blossomons Invades the World]

 - Blossomon randomly appears from all areas.
 - Blossomon's Box [Lv.1] will be dropped when you defeat Blossomon.
 - Blossomon emerges every 5 minutes, and there will be no announcement.
 - There is chance for you to obtain next level box by scanning the Blossomon's Box.

[Blossomon's Box Item List]

※ You can obtain one of the following items when you scan the Blossomon's Box.

 - Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.1]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.2]
* Chicken Combo 3ea
* Pepperoni Pizza 3ea
* Cheese Pizza 3ea

 - Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.2]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.3]
* Gold Banana 3ea
* Random DATA Box
* Jump Booster [All Area] 3ea

 - Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.3]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.4]
* Evoluter
* Random DATA Box Mid Class
* Amplification Booster +300% [1 Hour]

 - Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.4]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.5]
* Backup Disk 5ea
* Hatch Backup
* Fruit of the Goddess 5ea

 - Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.5]
* Enhanced Berserker 30 Days
* Enhanced Cheer 30 Days
* Enhanced Impregnableness 30 Days
* Enhanced Pray 30 Days
* Enhanced Protection 30 Days
* Enhanced Encouragement 30 Days

※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ Event item Blossomon's Box will be removed after the event.

# 04. Hello New Tamers! Make yourself to Level 99!

- Create a new account and make a tamer to level 99 during the event to claim the rewards!
- Period: After maintenance of 24th Apr 2018 ~ before maintenance of 1st Jun 2018

[Making New Tamer to Level 99]
 - Players who create new account for Digimon Masters and make new tamer to level 99 
   during the event term will receive the event reward.
 - You can obtain 2 Elite New Member Certificates when your tamer reaches level 99 through 
   Gift & Reward Item Storage.
 - Additionally, you can obtain Mega Reinforced DigiClone [D] 6ea and 
   Mega Reinforced DigiClone [C] 6ea.
 - Elite New Member Certificates can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.

[Elite New Member Certificate Exchange Item List]

 - Agumon Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
 - Gabumon Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
 - Dorumon [RaptorDramon] Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
 - Ryudamon Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
 - Dracomon (Blue) Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
 - Dracomon (Green) Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea

※ All event reward items are character bound and they are given only once per account.

# 05. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited

[About the Attendance Check]

 - You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
 - Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
 - When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and 
   you'll restart from the first.
 - Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
 - The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

# 06. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!

Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 22nd May 2018

- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days, 
  or they'll be expired.

- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea

- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea

- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.

# 07. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!

- Burning time will be applied 2 times a day to boost your EXP gaining!
- Period: Unlimited

(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).

※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with 
  the normal EXP boost.


# 01. Family Package on Limited Sales

- Family Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018

[Family Package Item List] - Contains all items in the list
- Strange Jogress Box Lv.5
- Option Change Stone 30ea
- Number Change Stone 30ea
- Backup Disk 20ea

※ Strange Jogress Box Lv.5 may either give you a Jogress Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 or nothing at all. 
   Only open it when you're ready to test your luck.

# 02. Fanglongmon Growth Package on Limited Sales

- Fanglongmon Growth Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018

[Fanglongmon Growth Package Item List] - Contains all items in the list
  - Xuanwumon, Zhuqiaomon, Qinglongmon, and Baihumon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg 1ea each
  - Beast Low Class DATA 30ea
  - Dragon Low Class DATA 30ea
  - Aquatic Low Class DATA 30ea
  - Bird Low Class DATA 30ea
  - Evoluter 10ea

# 03. Mercenary DigiEgg Double & Triple on Limited Sales

- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Double] and Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Triple] will be 
  on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018

   [Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Double]]
    - You can obtain 2 Mercenary DigiEggs when you scan it.

   [Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Triple]]
    - You can obtain 3 Mercenary DigiEggs when you scan it.

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  • purkor[05-12-2018 06:06]

    y cuando van hacer evento gm en leviamon hacen en otros pero el levi nunca

  • CosmosXaos[05-12-2018 03:32]

    I've noticed that sometimes when digimon spawn or do certain actions they go invisible for a while and can't be selected/attacked. I don't know if its just me or if others experienced this toojust fyi

  • BRwillNICE[05-11-2018 22:26]

    I did not like this event, it sucks, because you are not complying with the promised QDG new map and guild system, etc. in my opinion I would do a better job than the current g.m who does not understa

  • nahun97[05-11-2018 13:21]

    "Or nothing at all"...What The Fuck!

  • gaulmen[05-11-2018 11:12]


  • guts5[05-11-2018 07:35]

    I installed the game last month thinking about replaying, now this ... I just removed the game from my computer.

  • demero[05-11-2018 06:16]

    Tanta gente pataleando porque les quitaron sus Juguetes xD sus lagrimas no tienen precio, hehehe

  • bwoah[05-11-2018 06:08]

    "This is a really bad event lol not complaining because I'm still playing, but it's just a fact. Come on Movegames you can do better than this... Even the cash sales suck" <--That's complaining a 100%

  • Furyos1[05-11-2018 05:45]

    Hello I would like to have an opinion about the skin anti lag is animation they are very useful for the players the animations of the skill greatly disturbs in dgs so why remove these two skin? It was

  • Furyos1[05-11-2018 05:32]

    the skin animation and anti lag only helped the game... why remove them

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