# 01. Collect the Carnation
- Collect the Carnations and exchange them to rewards during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 23rd May 2018
[Collecting the Carnations]
- Carnations drop from monsters of all areas by certain chance.
- Carnations do not drop from Yokohama Village and dungeons.
- You can exchange the Carnations to various consumable items through Sarah Damon and
Homer Yushima in DATS Center.
[Sarah Damon Exchange Item List]
- Energy Pill / Carnation 10ea
- Chicken Combo / Carnation 5ea
- Cheese Pizza / Carnation 15ea
- Pepperoni Pizza / Carnation 15ea
- Meat Pizza / Carnation 15ea
- Double Chicken Combo / Carnation 15ea
- Gold Banana / Carnation 20ea
[Homer Yushima Exchange Item List]
- Plugin Card [AT]+30% / Carnation 20ea
- Plugin Card [DE]+30% / Carnation 20 ea
- Plugin Card [HPMax]+30% / Carnation 20ea
- Plugin Card [DSMax]+30% / Carnation 20ea
- Plugin Card [Skill Damage]+100% / Carnation 40ea
- Plugin Card [Critical Damage]+100% / Carnation 40ea
- Plugin Card [Speed]+30% / Carnation 30ea
- Attribute EXP Booster [15 Days] / Carnation 40ea
- Amplification Booster +300% / Carnation 30 ea
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ Event material items will be removed after the event.
# 02. Fanglongmon is on Fire!
- Fanglongmon's all abilities will be increased by 50% during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018
[Fanglongmon Boost]
- Fanglongmon's abilities are increased by 50% during the event term.
- HP, DS, Attack, Skill Damage and DS Cost are buffed.
※ The status of Fanglongmon will return to normal after the event.
# 03. Stop the Huge Blossomons!
- Some of the Blossomons have mutated and became violent. Stop the Blossomons that
randomly appear from all areas during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018
[Hug Blossomons Invades the World]
- Blossomon randomly appears from all areas.
- Blossomon's Box [Lv.1] will be dropped when you defeat Blossomon.
- Blossomon emerges every 5 minutes, and there will be no announcement.
- There is chance for you to obtain next level box by scanning the Blossomon's Box.
[Blossomon's Box Item List]
※ You can obtain one of the following items when you scan the Blossomon's Box.
- Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.1]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.2]
* Chicken Combo 3ea
* Pepperoni Pizza 3ea
* Cheese Pizza 3ea
- Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.2]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.3]
* Gold Banana 3ea
* Random DATA Box
* Jump Booster [All Area] 3ea
- Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.3]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.4]
* Evoluter
* Random DATA Box Mid Class
* Amplification Booster +300% [1 Hour]
- Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.4]
* Blossomon's Box [Lv.5]
* Backup Disk 5ea
* Hatch Backup
* Fruit of the Goddess 5ea
- Available items from scanning Blossomon's Box [Lv.5]
* Enhanced Berserker 30 Days
* Enhanced Cheer 30 Days
* Enhanced Impregnableness 30 Days
* Enhanced Pray 30 Days
* Enhanced Protection 30 Days
* Enhanced Encouragement 30 Days
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ Event item Blossomon's Box will be removed after the event.
# 04. Hello New Tamers! Make yourself to Level 99!
- Create a new account and make a tamer to level 99 during the event to claim the rewards!
- Period: After maintenance of 24th Apr 2018 ~ before maintenance of 1st Jun 2018
[Making New Tamer to Level 99]
- Players who create new account for Digimon Masters and make new tamer to level 99
during the event term will receive the event reward.
- You can obtain 2 Elite New Member Certificates when your tamer reaches level 99 through
Gift & Reward Item Storage.
- Additionally, you can obtain Mega Reinforced DigiClone [D] 6ea and
Mega Reinforced DigiClone [C] 6ea.
- Elite New Member Certificates can be exchanged to reward items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
[Elite New Member Certificate Exchange Item List]
- Agumon Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
- Gabumon Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
- Dorumon [RaptorDramon] Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
- Ryudamon Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
- Dracomon (Blue) Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
- Dracomon (Green) Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 / Elite New Member Certificate x 1ea
※ All event reward items are character bound and they are given only once per account.
# 05. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited
[About the Attendance Check]
- You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
- Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
- When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and
you'll restart from the first.
- Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
- The rewards are character bound.
[Attendance Check Rewards]
# 06. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!
Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 22nd May 2018
- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days,
or they'll be expired.
- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea
- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea
- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.
# 07. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!
- Burning time will be applied 2 times a day to boost your EXP gaining!
- Period: Unlimited
(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).
※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with
the normal EXP boost.
# 01. Family Package on Limited Sales
- Family Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018
[Family Package Item List] - Contains all items in the list
- Strange Jogress Box Lv.5
- Option Change Stone 30ea
- Number Change Stone 30ea
- Backup Disk 20ea
※ Strange Jogress Box Lv.5 may either give you a Jogress Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 or nothing at all.
Only open it when you're ready to test your luck.
# 02. Fanglongmon Growth Package on Limited Sales
- Fanglongmon Growth Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018
[Fanglongmon Growth Package Item List] - Contains all items in the list
- Xuanwumon, Zhuqiaomon, Qinglongmon, and Baihumon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg 1ea each
- Beast Low Class DATA 30ea
- Dragon Low Class DATA 30ea
- Aquatic Low Class DATA 30ea
- Bird Low Class DATA 30ea
- Evoluter 10ea
# 03. Mercenary DigiEgg Double & Triple on Limited Sales
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Double] and Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Triple] will be
on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 10th May 2018 ~ before maintenance of 5th Jun 2018
[Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Double]]
- You can obtain 2 Mercenary DigiEggs when you scan it.
[Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Triple]]
- You can obtain 3 Mercenary DigiEggs when you scan it.
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Add CommentWhere my Coin Weekly? I did not get it. Please fix dude.
hey for whats no recived mi vouchers server Lucemon. name AdrianBurst
I did not receive my weekly coins from the arena
GK I want my weekly vouchers
Lolll i've been waiting for a week to get the arena voucher.. Then suddenly *pufff* 1 week wasted just like that
Fuck this shit, we want our Weekly Vouchers Gameking, the game has a lot of bugs now you guys fuck with us? One More!? CMON we waited a week for that!
Lolll i've been waiting for a week to get the arena voucher.. Then suddenly *pufff* 1 week wasted just like that
Where are our weekly vouchers gk?
Fuck this shit, we want our Weekly Vouchers Gameking, the game has a lot of bugs now you guys fuck with us? One More!? CMON we waited a week for that!
Não só pra essa porra de koreia