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FINISHED2022.11.08 Update

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 2022.11.08.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconvenience.

◎ Update

[New Seal Added]

10 New types of seals are added. Digimon’s ability will permanently increase when the seal is opened.


- New Seal Info
1. [Salamon Seal] will permanently increase DE when the seal is opened.
2. [Gomamon Seal] will permanently increase BL when the seal is opened.
3. [Greymon Seal] will permanently increase AT when the seal is opened.
4. [Garurumon Seal] will permanently increase HP when the seal is opened.
5. [MetalGreymon Seal] will permanently increase HT when the seal is opened.
6. [MegaKabuterimon Seal] will permanently increase EV when the seal is opened.
7. [MagnaAngemon Seal] will permanently increase CT when the seal is opened.
8. [Piedmon Seal] will permanently increase DS when the seal is opened.
9. [Alphamon Seal] will permanently increase AT when the seal is opened.
10. [Apocalymon Seal] will permanently increase HT when the seal is opened.

◎ 10 New Types of Seals Info

◎ Event

#01. [Piximon’s Seal Exchange!] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 2022.11.08 ~ Before the maintenance on 2022.11.15


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC Piximon in DATS Center.
2. Various seals can be crafted by using [Seal Exchange Ticket] from NPC Piximon.

◎ [Seal Exchange Ticket] Craft List

◎ Promotion

#01. [GSP] Seal Master Package [Special] II Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 2022.11.08 ~ Before the maintenance on 2022.11.15

- Seal Master Package [Special] II
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 198 C]
- Seal Opener 250ea
- Seal Exchange Ticket [Event] 3000ea
Fortune Cookie 3ea

◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup

Thank you.

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  • CVic[11-08-2022 12:58]

    area in Lost Historic Site which I thought the steam ban would at LEAST fix and if they stop earning from this then what happened to their what was it again? Rumble something will happen here and

  • CVic[11-08-2022 12:56]

    from it. Typical Business mentality. Players really should not put money here as ScamKing can ban you anytime they want without reason or in-depth fact-finding. Heck I can still see bots in the Palmon

  • CVic[11-08-2022 12:54]

    players without advance notice. But I guess I should not be surprise that ScamKing would do another Cowardly move like this as they truly don't care about their player base as long as they earn money

  • CVic[11-08-2022 12:53]

    bring more players in on this Scam Free game as one of the Permanent Ban reasons is scamming. Talk about a Kettle calling others black when they themselves are the BIGGEST scammer in the game IP steam

  • CVic[11-08-2022 12:51]

    silently manually farming seals until a player mistakenly thought she was a bot even after answering his/her question.) Guess they can now PBan since there brought old players back in so that they can

  • CVic[11-08-2022 12:49]

    Wow! They started permanently banning again after giving special pardons for those who potentially won't mend their ways (as they bot system is flawed since it baned a guild mate of mine who was

  • Mastering23[11-08-2022 09:31]

    hola buenas no dijeron nada sobre la migracion de cuentas a ladmo va seguir el plazo hasta el 9 de noviembreb no podrian alargarlo hasta q termine el aniversario por favor aparte hay muchas dudas

  • Mastering23[11-08-2022 09:31]

    hola buenas no dijeron nada sobre la migracion de cuentas a ladmo va seguir el plazo hasta el 9 de noviembreb no podrian alargarlo hasta q termine el aniversario por favor aparte hay muchas dudas

  • Mastering23[11-08-2022 09:31]

    hola buenas no dijeron nada sobre la migracion de cuentas a ladmo va seguir el plazo hasta el 9 de noviembreb no podrian alargarlo hasta q termine el aniversario por favor aparte hay muchas dudas

  • Mastering23[11-08-2022 09:31]

    hola buenas no dijeron nada sobre la migracion de cuentas a ladmo va seguir el plazo hasta el 9 de noviembreb no podrian alargarlo hasta q termine el aniversario por favor aparte hay muchas dudas

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