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FINISHED13.08.2024 Update

Hello. This is DATs Center.

We would like to inform you of the update and patch details on 13.08.2024.
Tamers, please refer to the following information to avoid any inconvenience while using the game.

※ After the maintenance, all tamers will receive the following items as server maintenance compensation.

- Maintenance Compensation Coins 2ea, Royal Base Hard Mode Tickets 2ea, Arena Ticket 1ea
※ This maintenance compensation will be given per server.

◎ Update

[Masters Membership Improvement]


 Membership price will be changed from 150C -> 100C.
 New features [Portable Loudspeaker, Portable Storage, Portable Shop, Portable Consignment Shop, Portable Data Summon] have been added.
 You can call up the membership UI by clicking the membership button as before.

<Membership UI>

 The existing membership feature [Item Scan and Retrieve] will be changed to a permanent feature.

<Permanent Item Scan and Retrieve>

 The following items have been added to the [Masters Membership Item Box]: [Digicross Evolution Chip [30D], Digimon Enhancement Buff Package [50%], Attribute EXP Booster [30D], DATS Headquarters Master Key].

◎ [Masters Membership Item Box]

 The increase values for the existing membership [Digimon Affinity, EXP Buff] have been changed.

 The membership price remains the same as before.
 The membership megaphone has a cooldown of 60 seconds after each use.
 The sales list of the portable shop is the same as the DATS Headquarters vending machine NPC.
 The portable auction house is available only for searching and purchasing.

◎ Event

#01. [Light and Darkness] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024

※ Tamers who have received [Coin of Choice] during the event duration can participate in the event until 8/10/2024 10th after the event ends.


1. During the event duration, 1 [Coin of Choice] will be sent to your mailbox upon logging in.
2. The NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon will appear at the DATS Center.
3. [Coin of Choice] can be exchanged for a [Choice of Darkness Box] or a [Choice of Light Box] with the NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon.

◎ NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon Item Crafting List

※ [Choice of Darkness Box] and [Choice of Light Box] can only be used by Tamers level 70 and above.

● [Choice of Darkness Box] Contents

● [Choice of Light Box] Contents

※ [Spirit Evolution] can be crafted into [KaiserGreymon] and [MagnaGarurumon] through NPC <Choice of Light> Patamon.
※ [EXP Sapphire]should be used per digimon L1 5ea, J1 7ea.

#02. [Choice of Darkness] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


1. The NPC <Choice of Darkness> BlackGatomon appears at the DATS Center. \
2. If you possess [Choice of Darkness], which can be obtained from the [Choice of Darkness Box], you can accept the quest [[Daily] Choice of Darkness] from NPC <Choice of Darkness> BlackGatomon.
3. During the event duration, complete the quest by defeating the <Guardian of Light> Seraphimon that appears at Silver Lake.
4. Upon quest completion, you will receive 1 [Darkness].

◎ NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon Item Crafting List

● [Imperium Vicious (B/D)[Event]] Contents

※ All items provided by the event are [Non-tradable].

#03. [Choice of Light] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


1. The NPC <Choice of Light> Patamon appears at the DATS Center.
2. If you possess [Choice of Light], which can be obtained from the [Choice of Light Box], you can accept the quest [[Daily] Choice of Light] from NPC <Choice of Light> Patamon.
3. During the event duration, complete the quest by defeating the <Guardian of Darkness> Black Seraphimon that appears at the Village of Beginnings.
4. Upon quest completion, you will receive 1 [Light].

◎ NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon Item Crafting List

● [War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration [Event]] Contents

#04. [Reinforcement Support] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


1. The NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon appears at the DATS Center.
2. You can accept the quest [[Daily] Reinforcement Support] from NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon.
3. Complete the quest by defeating all villain Digimon in all areas except [Yokohama Village] and obtaining 20 [Support Item Boxes].
4. Upon quest completion, you will receive 1 [Support Exchange Coupon].
◎ NPC <Choice of Light and Darkness> Culumon Item Crafting List

※ All items provided by the event are [Non-tradable].

#05. [Summer Vacation Jumping] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024

※ Tamers who have received the Jumping Quest during the event duration can participate in the Jumping Event until 08/10 after the event ends."


- Target Participants
Can be progressed when creating a new Tamer during the event duration.
- How to Participate
1. After creating a new Tamer, complete the tutorial quest with Yujin without skipping, up to the tutorial quest [What is Necessary as a DATS Member - Digivice and Gifts].
2. During the tutorial quest [What is Necessary as a DATS Member - Digivice and Gifts], obtain the [Jumping Tamer Level Reward Box] instead of the existing [Level Up Gift Box]..
3. During the event duration, the Jumping NPC <Guide> Piximon appears in [Yokohama Village].
4. If you possess the tutorial quest [What is Necessary as a DATS Member - Digivice and Gifts] and the [Jumping Tamer Level Reward Box], you can accept the quest [[Sub] Beginning of Summer] from NPC <Guide> Piximon.
5. Talk to NPC <Guide> Piximon to complete the quest.
6. Upon quest completion, you will receive 10 [Experience Ruby [Tamer] J1] and 1 [Summer Vacation Support Box].

◎ [Adventure Support Box] Contents

◎ [Jumping Keyring] Information

7. You can open [Level-up Gift Box [Tamer]] based on its level.

◎ [Level-up Gift Box [Tamer]] Information

● Content Level-up Gift Box [Jumping Tamer] Content

● [65 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [70 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [75 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [80 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [85 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [90 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [95 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

● [100 Level Reward Box [Tamer]] Contents

1. You can open [Level-up Gift Box[Digimon]] based on level.

◎ Level-up Gift Box [Digimon] information

● [25 Level Reward Box [Digimon]] Contents

● [41 Level Reward Box [Digimon]] Contents

● [65 Level Reward Box [Digimon]] Contents

● [80 Level Reward Box [Digimon]] Contents

● [90 Level Reward Box [Digimon]] Contents

● [100 Level Reward Box [Digimon]] Contents

※ All items provided by the event are [Non-tradable].

#06. [Beginning of Summer] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


- Participants
1. New Tamer created during the event.

- How to Proceed
1. After completing the quest [Summer Vacation Jumping], you can accept the quest [[Sub]Beginning of the Adventure] from the NPC <Guide> Piximon in [Yokohama Village].
2. Talk to NPC <Guide> Piximon to complete the quest.
3. Upon quest completion, you will receive, [Jump Booster [Event]] 50ea, [Sweet Gold Banana[Event]] 150ea, [Super Amplification Booster+1000% [Event]] 3ea, [DATS Cadet’s Equipment Set(30D)] 1ea .
4. Upon quest completion Quest [[Sub]Chapt1 : Digital World]~ [[Sub]Chapt9 : Server Continent Pyramid]can be recieved. (For Quest info check below chart)

◎ [DATS Cadet's Equipment Set] information

◎ Quest [Preparing for Travel] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt1 : Explore Digital World] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt2 : Silver Lake] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt3 : Silent Forest] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt4 : Lost Historic Site] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt5 : File Island Water Front] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt6 : Infinite Mountain] Info

◎ Quest [Chapt7 : Server Continent Desert] Content

◎ Quest [Chapt8 : Server Continent Canyon] Content

◎ Quest [Chapt9 : Server Continent Pyramid] Content

◎ [DATS Center] NPC <Admin>Elecmon Jogress DigiEgg Craft List

#07. [Yukidarumon's Summer Living] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 09.07.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


- How to Participate
1. During the event duration, NPC <Heat-sensitive> Yukidarumon will appear at the [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] Yukidarumon's Summer Living] from NPC <Heat-sensitive> Yukidarumon.
3. Complete the quest by defeating all Digimons in [All areas except Yokohama Village] and obtaining 20 [Shaved Ice].
4. Upon completing the quest, receive 1 [Cold Ice], 30 [EP], and 1 [Hot Flame]..

#08. [Shiramon's Summer Living] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 09.07.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


- How to Participate
1. During the event duration, NPC <Dislikes the Heat> Shiramon will appear at the [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] Shiramon's Summer Living] from <Dislikes the Heat> Shiramon.
3. During the event duration, <Foul Odor> Raremon will appear in File Island Beach, Minato District, Forest of Beginnings, and Ocean Area.
4. Complete the quest by defeating 20 <Foul Odor> Raremon..
5. Upon completing the quest, receive 1 [Cold Ice], 20 [EP], and 1 [Cold Snow].

#09. [Papimon's Summer Living] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 09.07.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


- How to Participate
1. During the event duration, NPC <Heat-sensitive> Papimon will appear at the [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] Papimon's Summer Living] from <Heat-sensitive> Papimon..
3. Complete the quest by defeating <Hotter> SkullMeramon in [Yokohama Village].
4. Upon completing the quest, receive 1 [Cold Ice], 20 [EP].

※ All items provided by the event are [Non-tradable].
#10. [Cold Ice Exchange] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 09.07.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


- How to Participate
1. During the event duration, NPC <Heat-sensitive> Yukidarumon will appear at [DATS Center].
2. Various items can be crafted with [Cold Ice], which is obtained by completing other event quests, at NPC <Heat-sensitive> Yukidarumon.

◎ NPC <Heat-sensitive> Yukidarumon Crafting List

#11. [EP Exchange] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 10.09.2024


- How to Participate
1. During the event duration, NPC <EP Exchange> BanchoLeomon will appear at [DATS Center]
2. Various items can be crafted with [EP], [Hot Flame], [Cold Snow] which are obtained by completing other event quests, at NPC <EP Exchange> BanchoLeomon.
◎ NPC <EP Exchange> BanchoLeomon Crafting List

◎ [Seal of Summer [Event]] Attribute Information

※ All items provided by the event are [Non-tradable].

◎ Promotion

#01. Premium Data Summon: Legend List Change

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- Premium Data Summon - Goddess of Battlefield
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend] 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- DIGI Xros - Xros Up Mervamon 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon - Beta 1ea
- Sealed Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup [Lv. 5] 5ea
- Random Mid ClassT. ConvertChip Box 70ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake [Event] 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- DIGI Xros - Xros Up Mervamon 1ea

- Premium Data Summon – Ultimate Holy Knight
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend] 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- DIGI Xros - Xros Up Mervamon 1ea
- Sealed Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Ki 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Random DATA Box 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake [Event] 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea

- Data Summon - Goddess of Battlefield
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend] 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- DIGI Xros - Xros Up Mervamon 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon - Beta 1ea
- Sealed Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup [Lv. 5] 5ea
- Random DATA Box 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake [Event] 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- DIGI Xros - Xros Up Mervamon [Event] 1ea

- Data Summon - Ultimate Holy Knight
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend] 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- DIGI Xros - Xros Up Mervamon 1ea
- Sealed Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Random DATA Box 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake [Event] 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea

#02. [GSP] 4 types of Special Packages Limited Sale

This sale item can be purchased three time per tamer, and all items are non-tradable as [Event] items due to the discount rate.

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- For you who are thirsty for attack Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 499C]
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 2ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv15 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv20 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv25 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Exchange Voucher [Event] 1ea
- Powerful Enhanced Tamer's Skill Box [30D] [Event] 1ea
- The Tree of Life Skill Box 1ea
- Final boss Attack Memory Skill Random Supply Box 1ea
- Platinum Banana [Event] 200ea

- Don't get sick, DMO always here for you Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 499C]
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 2ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv15 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv20 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv25 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Exchange Voucher [Event] 1ea
- Warm Enhanced Tamer's Skill Box [30D] [Event] 1ea
- The Hand of Healing Skill Box 1ea
- Final boss Support Memory Skill Random Supply Box 1ea
- Platinum Banana [Event] 200ea

- Be strong like Knightmon Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 249C]
- Highest Monster Card Random Box [Event] 30ea
- Option Change Stone 200ea
- Number Change Stone 200ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil [Event] 50ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis [Event] 50ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 1ea

- Fun DMO life with culumon Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 349C]
- Option Change Stone 100ea
- Number Change Stone 100ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil [Event] 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis [Event] 100ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 1ea
- DATS HQ Master Key 10ea

#03. [STEAM] 4 types of Special Packages Limited Sale

This sale item is available for purchase on STEAM and is non-tradable as [Event] items despite the high discount rate. The price is based on the [Event] price and is not subject to the 20% STEAM limited discount.

We would like to proceed as below so that can purchase the GSP packages on STEAM for account-limited, so, please be sure to refer to this and take advantage of the promotion

1) Please make sure to purchase this product only once.
*Even if you purchase multiple times, you can only exchange the product through the NPC once, so please make sure to purchase only once*

2) When keeping in the inventory after purchasing the [For you who are thirsty for attack Package, Don't get sick, DMO always here for you Package, Be strong like Knightmon Package, Fun DMO life with culumon Package] Create a sub-quest [For you who are thirsty for attack Package, Don't get sick, DMO always here for you Package, Be strong like Knightmon Package, Fun DMO life with culumon Package] from an NPC<Ticket Exchanger> vending machine at Dats Center

3) When clearing the quest [For you who are thirsty for attack Package, Don't get sick, DMO always here for you Package, Be strong like Knightmon Package, Fun DMO life with culumon Package] by talking to an NPC<Ticket Exchanger> vending machine, can acquire [For you who are thirsty for attack Package, Don't get sick, DMO always here for you Package, Be strong like Knightmon Package, Fun DMO life with culumon Package]

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- For you who are thirsty for attack Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 499C]
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 2ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv15 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv20 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv25 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Exchange Voucher [Event] 1ea
- Powerful Enhanced Tamer's Skill Box [30D] [Event] 1ea
- The Tree of Life Skill Box 1ea
- Final boss Attack Memory Skill Random Supply Box 1ea
- Platinum Banana [Event] 200ea

- Don't get sick, DMO always here for you Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 499C]
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 2ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv15 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv20 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv25 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Exchange Voucher [Event] 1ea
- Warm Enhanced Tamer's Skill Box [30D] [Event] 1ea
- The Hand of Healing Skill Box 1ea
- Final boss Support Memory Skill Random Supply Box 1ea
- Platinum Banana [Event] 200ea

- Be strong like Knightmon Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 249C]
- Highest Monster Card Random Box [Event] 30ea
- Option Change Stone 200ea
- Number Change Stone 200ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil [Event] 50ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis [Event] 50ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 1ea

- Fun DMO life with culumon Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 349C]
- Option Change Stone 100ea
- Number Change Stone 100ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil [Event] 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis [Event] 100ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 1ea
- DATS HQ Master Key 10ea

#04. Cross-Up Preparation Package Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- XrosUp Ready Box
[price: [1ea] ▶ 149C]
- Baalmon DigiEgg Level 5 1ea
- BlackGatomon DigiEgg Level 5[Champion] 1ea
- Evoluter 12ea
- Growth of Goddess 1ea
- Code Crown 3ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box [Event] 2ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv15 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv20 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv25 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Level .5[Champion] [Event] 2ea
- Mid Class T. ConvertChip Exchange Coin [Event] 2ea
- EXP Sapphire Box 2ea
Fortune Cookie 3ea

※ Exchange Code and Exchange Coin can be exchanged through <Item Making> NPC Datamon at Dats Center.

#05. Beelzebumon(C) Descent Package Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- Beelzebumon(C) Descent Package
[price: [1ea] ▶ 79C]
- Baalmon DigiEgg Level 5 1ea
- Evoluter 3ea
- Code Crown 3ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 1ea
- Skill DigiCode Lv15 Exchange Code [Event] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] [Event] 2ea
- Mid Class T. ConvertChip Exchange Coin [Event] 2ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

※ Exchange Code and Exchange Coin can be exchanged through <Item Making> NPC Datamon at Dats Center.

#06. 3 Types of Highest Skill Memory Capsule Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Attack]
[price: [1ea] ▶ 69C]

- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Defense]
[price: [1ea] ▶ 69C]

- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Support]
[price: [1ea] ▶ 69C]

#07. 3 Types of Ultimate Tamer Skill Bundle Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- Ultimate Tamer Skill [Encouragement/Pray]
[price: [1ea] ▶ 99C]
- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Encouragement] [30Days] [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Pray] [30Days] [Event] 1ea

- Ultimate Tamer Skill [Berserker/Vigor]
[price: [1ea] ▶ 99C]
- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Berserker] [30Days] [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Vigor] [30Days] [Event] 1ea

- Ultimate Tamer Skill [Suppression/Vigor]
[price: [1ea] ▶ 99C]
- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Suppression] [30Days] [Event] 1ea
- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Vigor] [30Days] [Event] 1ea

#08. NEW Xros Heart Package Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- NEW Xros Heart Package (Tradeable)
[price: [1ea] ▶ 357C]
- Shoutmon Random Digiegg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- Ballistamon Random Digiegg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- Dorolumon Random Digiegg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- Starmons Random Digiegg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- Sparrowmon Random Digiegg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- EXP Sapphire Box 5ea
- Legendary DigiEvolution - Ω 1ea

◎ [EXP Sapphire Box] Components

※ Apply all components of [EXP Sapphire Box] to increase Digimon’s Level to 90.
※ [EXP Sapphire Box] [Event] cannot be traded.

#09. 3 Types of Tamer Exchange Packages 改 Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 13.08.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 27.08.2024

- Exchange Tamer [Matt] Package 改
[price: [1ea] ▶ 149C]
- Exchange Tamer [Matt] 1ea
- Gabumon DigiEgg Lv.4~5 1ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1,000% 20ea
- Backup Disk 30ea
- ExpBooster+300% [30D] 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
- Evoluter 30ea
- ModeSelector 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

- Exchange Tamer [Mimi] Package 改
[price: [1ea] ▶ 149C]
- Exchange Tamer [Mimi] 1ea
- Palmon[Original] DigiEgg Lv.4-5 1ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1,000% 20ea
- Backup Disk 30ea
- ExpBooster+300% [30D] 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
- Evoluter 30ea
- ModeSelector 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

- Exchange Tamer [Sora] Package 改
[price: [1ea] ▶ 149C]
- Exchange Tamer [Sora] 1ea
- Piyomon Digiegg Lv.4-5 1ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1,000% 20ea
- Backup Disk 30ea
- ExpBooster+300% [30D] 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
- Evoluter 30ea
- ModeSelector 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea


◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup

comments 4


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  • plumemaster[09-14-2024 04:07]

    Increase the choice of light and dark event by a week pls

  • xxxianxxx[09-09-2024 22:43]

    increase the event by about 2 days

  • Aztarcart[09-06-2024 18:04]

    Podrían extender un poco el evento pls?

  • bariedbasyadi[08-16-2024 11:07]

    Please make simplified Digimon Masters(limited number of maps limited number of digimons limited graphic quality) for mobile phone / android. I would play it everyday if there's mobile version of DMO

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