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FINISHED05.09.2023 Update

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 05.09.2023
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconvenience.

◎ Event

#01. [Anubismon's Request] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC <EP Manager>Anubismon appears in [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] Anubismon’s Request] from NPC <EP Manager>Anubismon.
3. Collect [Very Hard Ore] 20ea by defeating all enemy Digimon in [Shinjuku], [File Island], and [Spiral Mountain] to complete the quest.
4. Obtain [EP] 15ea and [Appreciation Stamp A] 1ea by completing the quest.

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#02. [Security Enhancement-1] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC <Security Manager>Vajiramon appears in [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] Security Enhancement-1] from NPC <Security Manager> Vajiramon.
3. Defeat <Aiming for EP>Armadimon 30ea in [Western Village: Outskirts] to complete the quest.
4. Obtain [EP] 10ea by completing the quest.

※ All items from the event are character bound

#03. [Security Enhancement-2] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023


- How to proceed
1. Accept the quest [[Daily] Security Enhancement-2] from NPC <Security Manager>Vajiramon.
2. Talk to NPC <Hot-blooded Digimon>BanchoLeomon in [Infinite Ice Wall] to complete the quest.
3. Obtain [EP] 10ea by completing the quest.

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#04. [Skill Test] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023


- How to proceed
1. Accept the quest [[Daily] Skill Test] from NPC <Hot-blooded Digimon>BanchoLeomon in [Infinite Ice Wall] by completing the quest [[Daily] Security Enhancement-2].
2. Collect [Token] 20ea by defeating all enemy Digimon in [Glacier Area] to complete the quest.
3. Obtain [EP] 15ea and [Appreciation Stamp B] 1ea by completing the quest.

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#05. [Anubismon's Gratitude Gift] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023


- How to proceed
1. Accept the quest [[Daily] Anubismon's Gratitude Gift] from NPC <EP Manager>Anubismon by completing the quests [[Daily] Anubismon’s Request], [[Daily] Security Enhancement-1], [[Daily] Security Enhancement-2], and [[Daily] Skill Test].
2. Talk to NPC <EP Manager>Anubismon to complete the quest.
3. Obtain [EP] 10ea and [Appreciation Coin] 1ea by completing the quest.
4. [EP Gift Box] can be crafted by [Appreciation Coin] from NPC <EP Manager>Anubismon.

◎ [Gratitude Gift] Craft List

◎ [EP Gift Box] Random List

※ All items from the event are character bound

#06. [EP Exchange] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.08.2023 ~ After the maintenance on 09.13.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC <EP Exchange>BanchoLeomon appears in [DATS Center].
2. Various items can be crafted by [EP], [Appreciation Stamp A], and [Appreciation B] from NPC <EP Exchange>BanchoLeomon.

◎ NPC <EP Exchange>BanchoLeomon Craft List

※ All items from the event are character bound

#07. [Support from DATS Center] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, reward by accumulated Log-in time is changed

◎ Accumulated Log-in Time Reward Info

※ All items from the event are character bound.

◎ Promotion

#01. Data Summon Ticket: Legend Summon List Changed

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Premium Data Summon – Empty Seat
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration 1ea
- Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Random Mid Class DATA 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea

- Premium Data Summon - Ultimate War God
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Random Mid Class DATA 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration 1ea

◎ [War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration] Components

- Data Summon – Empty Seat
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration 1ea
- Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Random Mid Class DATA 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta [Event] 1ea

- Data Summon - Ultimate War God
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Ring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv.5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Random Mid Class DATA 100ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration [Event] 1ea

◎ [War God's Box of Destruction and Regeneration [Event]] Components

◎ [Zero Unit Ring] Info

※ Each Data Summon can be done by NPC <Data Summon>Babel in every village.

#02. Data Summon Ticket: Legend List added

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 03.10.2023

- Data Summon - [Omegamon Alpha]
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 1ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Alpha 1ea
- Sealed Digital Hazard Ring 1ea
- Gehenna 1ea
- Peak of evolution(Resistance) 50ea
- Rare BM Random DigiEgg [Lv.4-5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg Lv.4-5 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.4 6ea
- ChipSet Conversion Kit R2 6ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil 17ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1000% 18ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 150]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Alpha 1ea

#03. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Series] Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Series] (1D)
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 11 C]

- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Series] (7D)
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 35 C]

- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Series] (7D)
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 69 C]

- Tamer Skill [Ultimate Series] List
1. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Berserker]
2. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Impregnableness]
3. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Pray]
4. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Protection]
5. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Encouragement]
6. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Analysis]
7. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Evade]
8. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Vigor]
9. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Focus]
10. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Aim]
11. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Guard]
12. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Naivety]
13. Tamer Skill [Ultimate Suppression]

※ Tamer Skill [Ultimate Series] have same abilities as [Enhanced Series] but have less cool down.

#04. 2 Types of Reinforced DigiAura Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Reinforced DigiAura Ver. X [30D]
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 59 C]
AT + 250, Max HP + 1200, EXP + 200%
Fortune Cookie 1ea

- Reinforced DigiAura Ver. Y [30D]

[Price: [1ea] ▶ 59 C]
AT + 300, Max HP + 1300
Fortune Cookie 1ea

#05. Apocalymon Descent Package改 Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Apocalymon Descent Package 改
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 198 C]
- Soul under the Sea 1ea
- Soul of the Jungle 1ea
- Soul of Steel 1ea
- Soul in the Shadows 1ea
- Call of Doom 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
Fortune Cookie 3ea

#06. Rapid Transcendence Package 改 Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Rapid Transcendence Package 改
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 149 C]
- Raremon DigiEgg Lv.4-5 3ea
- Mid Class T. ConvertChip Exchange Coin 10ea
- EXP Sapphire Box Lv.100 1ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 20ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

◎ [EXP Sapphire Box Lv.100] Components

※ Apply all components of [EXP Sapphire Box] to increase Digimon’s Level to 100.

#07. KaiserGreymon Complete Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Wind into Flame, Ice into Sword
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 249 C]
- Spirit of Shining Fire H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Fire B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wind H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wind B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Ice H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Ice B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wood H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wood B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Earth H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Earth B 1ea
- Fruit of Champion 5ea
Fortune Cookie 4ea

#08. MagnaGarurumon Complete Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Darkness into Light, Thunder into Cannon
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 249 C]
- Spirit of Shining Light H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Light B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Thunder H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Thunder B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Water H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Water B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Darkness H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Darkness B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Steel H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Steel B 1ea
- Fruit of Champion 5ea
Fortune Cookie 4ea

#09. 2 Types of Deck Package Limited Sales

This product is character bound, because of the discount.
This product is based on [Event] and does not apply of 20% discount on STEAM, because of the discount, all items are character bound.

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- [OMEGA] Deck Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 99 C]
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Agumon [Event] 1ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Gabumon [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Gabumon(Black) [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Agumon(Black) [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Gabumon[CresGarurumon][Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Agumon(Black)[BlitzGreymon][Event] 1 ea
- Dragon Low Class DATA [Event] 75 ea
- Beast Low Class DATA [Event] 75 ea
- Evoluter [Event] 76 ea
- Jogress Data A - will of subspecies [Event] 1 ea
- Jogress Data B - will of subspecies [Event] 1 ea

- [Knights of Vaccine] Deck Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 198 C]
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Agumon [Event] 1ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Gabumon [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Ryudamon [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Dorumon[RaptorDramon] [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Gabumon(Black) [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Agumon(Black) [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-V-mon[V-dramon] [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-V-mon[ImperialDramon] [Event] 1 ea
- Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg-Wormmon[ImperialDramon] [Event] 1 ea
- Dragon Low Class DATAEvent] 105 ea
- Beast Low Class DATA [Event] 99 ea
- Insectoid Low Class DATA [Event] 15 ea
- Evoluter [Event] 74 ea
- Digi-Egg of Miracle [Event] 1 ea
- Holy Ring [Event] 2 ea
- Qinglongmon's DigiCore [Event] 2 ea

#10. 2 Types of Slot Open Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 05.09.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 19.09.2023

- Slot Open Package - Light
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 49 C]
- Digimon Archive Expansion +1 5ea
- Warehouse Expansion +1 20ea
- Inventory Expansion +1 10ea

- Slot Open Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 99 C]
- Mercenary Slot Expansion 1ea
- Digimon Archive Expansion +1 5ea
- Warehouse Expansion +1 20ea
- Inventory Expansion +1 20ea
Fortune Cookie 1ea

◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup

Thank you.

comments 5


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  • cranidos4[09-06-2023 00:01]

    Todos los eventos siempre lo mismo, EP y sólo se preocupan en actualizar los ítems de Cash. Zzzzzz

  • mettmaxcor[09-05-2023 17:14]

    2 more weeks far away from this game

  • rubbani[09-05-2023 13:41]

    Event is as dead as the game

  • rubbani[09-05-2023 13:41]


  • rubbani[09-05-2023 13:41]

    Bbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggg. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame event

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