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FINISHEDPromotion: One Egg of a Day is Back!

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 2021.08.31.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconveniences.


◎ Promotion


#01. One Egg of a Day! Part 2: Level 5 DigiEgg on Limited Sale


[Duration] 2021.09.01 00:00 ~ Maintenance on 2021.09.07

 Level 5 DigiEggs go on limited sale for seven days, with different egg every day.
 The DigiEgg of a specific day are on sale for 24 hours only, and the sale ends at exactly 00:00 hours.
(Except the last DigiEgg, which will remain in the shop until the maintenance)

- One Egg of a Day! Lv.5 DigiEgg
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 198 C]
- DigiEgg of the Day[Lv.5] 1ea

※ All items from the event are character bound, and can be purchased only ONCE per account.
※ Please check the official Facebook page for daily DigiEgg information.


◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security Improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup

Thank you!

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  • africaboyo[09-07-2021 06:20]

    you dont answer support ,and dont helping people and want to get that much of money ? you have just made this game a money trap . ,,,, . .

  • alandelta[09-07-2021 04:22]

    Please fix the bugg that I have in my account I send many tickets and nothing I want my gankoomon returned

  • d1g1m0[09-06-2021 01:45]

    Please respond to my tickets GK support. I have evidence that Hackers are spawning in fake SSS+ Digimon on accounts and stealing hundreds of $$$ from you.

  • africaboyo[09-05-2021 14:30]

    alsalam alykom , your support respond so bad

  • Lagu7s[09-05-2021 14:07]

    Make mastemon Package again avaible in cash Shop

  • africaboyo[09-04-2021 18:49]

    alsalam alykom , answer support message's i want restore my deleted tamer .

  • RoyGates[09-04-2021 02:13]

    There's no egg of the day item when i open the shop from day 1 lol fkin gameking

  • purplestain09[09-03-2021 05:44]

    i could only see impmon on day one. i cant see day 2 and day 3 of the 5/5 egg. dont you want my money?

  • dadamartinez[09-02-2021 21:23]

    que pasa con las recompensas por acumulación de compra de crown

  • JVMAX[09-02-2021 21:10]

    why i cant see the digiegg of hackmon of this event to buy?

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