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What i want from Digimon Masters in 2013

Tamer: MalayBC

Server: Lilithmon

Favourite Digimon: Atlurkabuterimon,Tentomon, Omegamon, Calumon, Gabumon and MetalGarurumon

What i want:
1. 4/5 Gabumon
2.10 Evoluters
3. 2 Mode Selector
4. Z'd-Hou
5.10 ClonA

I would like to say thanks for this event. It is what I want from Digimon Masters. I really want to win this cause it is my chance to get my favouite digimon. I would like to say thanks once more for this event. THANKS Digimon Masters.

Edit: If i win this event can u put all the item from my this tamer include binding, money and my digi PetirKilat [Tentomon] can be any lv or even an egg4/5 or 5/5 and put it at my new tamer MalayBC55 at server Lilithmon please. TQ Digimon Masters for reading and I would rate this game 10 out of 5 cause it is a good game.

Edit [Final]: Sorry Digimon Masters but i have changed my mind. After this event is finish, I would like MalayBC55 item given to MalayBC
What i want extra:
1.item from MalayBC55 transfer to MalayBC including chracter bound, Storage Expansion and archive.
Please don't give me any digimon from MalayBC55 to MalayBC. [This is different Tamer with the same account and server]
I'm very-very sorry if i cost Digimon Masters so much trouble. I don't like giving people so much trouble but please accept my last request from Digimon Masters. One last Thank You from me.
[Thank You for making this game and making it better at every event. It is wonderful to play this kind of game]

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