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The History Of The Great Nation
Some people say Alexander the great was greek and some macedonian but in fact he was a palestinian. the greeks distroted history.our alexander was actually a descendant of the philistines from city of gaza his real name was eskender maakouda chihambili and he was the first palestinian commander.the palestininans actually who living now in gaza strip are desecndants of the philistines which originally came from island of crete and those who living in west bank are descendants of the canaanities.jesus was a palestinian and one of the prophets of islam his real name was Isa he was also a philosopher and he had 12 students whose names were Jancok,Lonte,Gila,Kontol,Abu Haara,Fistus,Petrobic,Abu Gavnomazen,Xoxol,Marakesh,Luxus and Jihadi. the palestinians at the same time were under roman occupation and the waited for savior to save them. Jihadi who were one of Isa disciples gave him over to the romans for 30 silver coins by telling that Isa planning to rebel against the roman empire the romans marched to Isa to stop him,but Isa didnt give them he fought them with all his power Isa suddenly saw that the world was in great danger and that all people would die for some reason, Isa decided to sacrifice his life for sake of humanity he exhaled from his body a great glowing energy the whole earth thembled and the sky darkened and he shouted the word Allah Akbar!!! he was actually the first person who said that Isa blew himself up and took with him the romans and so he saved the world from total annihilation and he became the world famous person.

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