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Fan Art


Good morning GM. I commented my idea, incorporate in the skills of digimon. It would be in certain digimons to touch the skills. An example
MarineAngemon is a digimon that would have to cure, in certain games this same digimon cures life, even if it is in his F2 to place as a ability to heal 10% of himself or the group, since he could incorporate a support ability, it would be a digimon Used in Coliseum since it requires a lot of life.
Digimon list:
Support: marineangemon. cherubimon valdurumon. lalamon (all his line). neptunemon.
Paralyze: metaletemon. Blitsgreymon. herculeskabuterimon.ravemon
Skill block: metaletemon. kazuhamon grandracomon. jijimon rosemon bm. sakuyamon
Poison: Arkadimon (mega), barbamon, lilithmon, murmuskmon, parasimon, tyrantkabuterimon
Freeze: enbowumon. jumbogamemon metalgarurumon. metalseadramon gigaseadramon. vikemon.
It would give a big change to the game since the same digimon is always used, or an "awakening of skill" item, a certain digimon could awaken hidden ability, always talking about digimon that is not used, to vary the game a bit.

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