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[Notice] Winners' Comments on the Arena Podium (Season 16)

Hello Tamers.

This is an announcement of the Arena Winners! The winners' comments will be shown throughout the season.
For each server, the Tamers who are ranked as the top 3 from Arena Season 16 will have their characters standing on the Podium.

The top 3 rankers of Season 16 are as follows:
(Server, Title, Tamer name, Guild Name)

Server Title Tamer_Name Guild_Name
Leviamon <Season 16 1st Rank> Selenophile <IndoFighters>
Leviamon <Season 16 2nd Rank> DanzoMask None
Leviamon <Season 16 3rd Rank> Saltylon <ThePenguins>
Server Title Tamer_Name Guild_Name
Lucemon <Season 16 1st Rank> xResolut1on <Revolutionary>
Lucemon <Season 16 2nd Rank> Bronzzem <Revolutionary>
Lucemon <Season 16 3rd Rank> Anatomy <Revolutionary>
Server Title Tamer_Name Guild_Name
Lilithmon <Season 16 1st Rank> _Kid_ <BreathOfFire>
Lilithmon <Season 16 2nd Rank> _Okabe_ <BreathOfFire>
Lilithmon <Season 16 3rd Rank> HanYuri <BreathOfFire>
Server Title Tamer_Name Guild_Name
Barbamon <Season 16 1st Rank> Envy_ None
Barbamon <Season 16 2nd Rank> SirFung None
Barbamon <Season 16 3rd Rank> EpilepticKid None
Server Title Tamer_Name Guild_Name
BeelzeBumon <Season 16 1st Rank> Noxys None
BeelzeBumon <Season 16 2nd Rank> prOmi None
BeelzeBumon <Season 16 3rd Rank> Raijin_ None
Server Title Tamer_Name Guild_Name
Omegamon <Season 16 1st Rank> DmoLuckyBox <~GRANDO~>
Omegamon <Season 16 2nd Rank> AB_Boros <-AngelBeats->
Omegamon <Season 16 3rd Rank> AB_escorleo <-AngelBeats->

If your Tamer name is in the list above, please contact us through QnA for the podium comment.

1. Visit http://dmo.gameking.com/main
2. Log-in with your account.
3. Support > My QnA
4. Click on [Contact Support] from below.
5. Provide the ticket with the comment you would like to show!
6. Show us the image of your Tamer character: click "Attach File" to attach an image file to the ticket.

* Please submit the podium comment by April 24th, Sunday.
* You must log-in with your own account when sending in the podium comment.
Please include "[Arena Winner]" in the beginning of the title of your ticket.
* If the comment includes inappropriate contents (ex: abusive, discriminatory remarks, etc), we may decline to upload it.
* Comment cannot exceed 500 characters (alphabets).
* Default comment will be displayed for those who did not send the comment.
(default: "I'm Black_Panther(Tamer name) of guild Wakanda(guild name)!")