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[Notice] About RMT issues

(Half of these Tamers' name were censored)

Hello. Tamers.

We GameKing will be strictly restraining all kinds of Real Money Trade in game, as we're very well aware of how it seriously damages & destroys the economy of the game.
(Commonly known as R.M.T.)

Recently, we have banned most of these abusers who advertise R.M.T. and also those who actually sold in-game currency by cash.

The following pictures show as examples of this issue.

1. Advertising through consignment shops (Result: Permanent Ban)

2. Advertising by chatting - both general chat and shout (Result: Permanent Ban)

Listed Tamers below are the list of Tamers who got banned due to this issue.


Server Tamer name Server Tamer name
Barbamon aef*** Barbamon edrfg***
Barbamon jh*** Barbamon dffg***
Barbamon sdgsrg*** Barbamon ehrtj***
Barbamon serfea*** Barbamon zio***
Beelzemon jrhd*** Barbamon sferg***
Beelzemon tdjhdft*** Barbamon sdgdj***
Leviamon ghj*** Barbamon ew***
Leviamon Felipe*** Barbamon dfds***
Leviamon SFRG*** Barbamon dfg******
Leviamon Jetr*** Barbamon rth***
Leviamon fgft*** Barbamon gf***
Leviamon R*** Barbamon sw***
Leviamon Lom*** Beelzemon rfg***
Leviamon sedgs*** Beelzemon safsd***
Leviamon efre*** Beelzemon cxvbdf***
Leviamon sdge********* Beelzemon fgh***
Leviamon asdgs*** Beelzemon gh***
Lilithmon sdfergy*** Beelzemon fgjhj***
Lilithmon ergtr*** Beelzemon grew***
Lilithmon tgh*** Leviamon wsege***
Lilithmon sdfgsd*** Leviamon trhtr***
Lucemon cv*** Leviamon sdfdr***
Lucemon dtghteh*** Leviamon sdgsd***
Lucemon George*** Leviamon dgs******
Lucemon dftgdfg*** Leviamon sreh***
Lucemon erhtr*** Leviamon qw3we4***
Lucemon esdgfe*** Leviamon weg***
Omegamon fghfg*** Lilithmon wrfwge***
Omegamon sdf*** Lilithmon hry***
Omegamon sdsds*** Lilithmon fb***
Omegamon dgh*** Lilithmon cvb***
Omegamon sa*** Lilithmon dg***
Omegamon Ddd*** Lilithmon fgb***
Omegamon zz*** Lilithmon ewqfw***
Omegamon sfrg****** Lucemon fgdgfd***
Omegamon t*** Lucemon dfjg***
Omegamon sdffds*** Lucemon szfdhrft***
Omegamon hfd*** Lucemon fxdn***
Omegamon gjjkh*** Lucemon srg***
Omegamon hhghj*** Lucemon gh***
Omegamon oijl*** Lucemon asfsd***
Omegamon ert*** Omegamon dds***
Omegamon refet*** Omegamon iufu***
Omegamon dfsa*** Omegamon ddgr***
Omegamon fdffgd*** Omegamon juyo8***
Omegamon fdgfd*** Omegamon wef***
Omegamon dfd*** Omegamon ewf***
Omegamon dfghfd*** Omegamon fff***
Omegamon sadfs*** Omegamon j***
Omegamon reyhrg*** Omegamon rgrthrt***

....the list is just part of overall accounts that have been banned for the same reason.
But we're pretty sure you now can see that there are many violators.

Please do not ever buy from these violators, as you may experience your purchased item or game currency suddenly vanish one day (if you have purchased).

And we assure you that we will never take any responsibility for the loss that occur by not following this instruction.


Always keep it your mind that GameKing and the staffs of Digimon Masters Online will try to make better games and provide best services for our precious Tamers.

Thank you.