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500% EXP Compensation
Hello, This is Digimon Masters.
We, the GM Team would like to apologize for the connections issues in all Game Servers last May 7, 2015 and for the frequent random Server downs of Lucemon server which had happened for several days that could have bothered our tamers’ play time.
In order to fix the problem which had occurred, we have investigated and reinvestigated the possible causes in every way possible and proceeded the first patch that could possibly fix the problem. We even carried out the test before opening the server. But, Unfortunately we still need to observe the stability of Lucemon server to check if the issue will still occur after the patch.
From all of the inconveniences that our valued tamers have experienced, we are officially announcing that we have come up with some compensations corresponding to the big loss of the time of game play to hopefully satisfy our valued tamers.

[500% EXP Compensation Details]

1. Lucemon frequent server downs

-       Date/Time : 5/15 00:00 JST ~ 5/17 23:59 JST (72 Hours)

-       Server : Lucemon

2. Connection Issues

-       Date/Time : 5/16 00:00 JST ~ 5/16 06:00 JST (6 Hours)

-       Server : Leviamon, Lilithmon, Barbamon, Beelzemon


Once again, sorry for the inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your continuous and unwavering support as we try to maintain and provide all of you a better gaming environment.
Note: In an event that Lucemon server is still not stable after the patch, rest assured that we will try to fix the issue as soon as possible and we will provide another compensation for the inconvenience that the issue may cause.
Thank you!