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FINISHEDEvent Contents UI Update!




# 01. Event Contents UI Open
- New UI for game log-in time event, attendace check event,   promotion event etc. is opened
- You can check connectivity status and game event announcement through this UI.

[Event Contents UI Guide]

- The hotkey for opening the event window is E.
- If you have set hotkey E for different function, you must set up a new hotkey for the event window.
- You can check all items you can obtain by your log-in time from "Log-in Time Event" tab.
- You can check all items you can obtain by your log-in daily count from "Attendance Check Event" tab.
- You can check event sales item that are currently in the Cash Shop from "Promotion" tab.
- Log-in rewards can be received through "Gift & Reward Item Storage".
- Attendance check rewards can be received through "Cash Warehouse".
- Click "Receive" button in "Log-in Time Event" and "Attendance Check Event" tab 
  to open a window where you can obtain your rewards.

※ The reward items of "Log-in Time Event" and "Attendance Check Event" are 
   basically character bound, but it may be changed regarding to situation. 
   It will be further announced by event notice.

# 02. Refinement of Jogress and Expansion Burst Mode
- The system has been refined to enable both Jogress evolution and 
  expansion burst(Known as "Side-Mega") mode simultaneously.


- For an example, when Jogress chain Omegamon's evolution slot was opened from Agumon line, 
  Victory Greymon slot could no longer be opened, and Omegamon slot could not be opened 
  when Victory Greymon slot was opened. After the update, both slots can be opened.
- The evolution slots for Gabumon, Patamon(Shakkoumon), Armadimon(Shakkoumon), 
  Hawkmon(Silphymon), Salamon(Silphymon) also can be opened simultaneously.

# 03. Dungeon for Monster Cards Update
- A new dungeon for using monster cards has been updated.
- The name of the area is "D-Terminal Underground Summon Square".
- The dungeon is for summoning monsters with the monster cards.

[Dungeon Guide]

- The dungeon can be entered through NPC Kevin Krier in DATS Center.
- The dungeon is for using the monster cards which you can obtain from the game.
- With the update, monster cards now can only be used from this dungeon.
- Monster card's cooldown time is lowered from 3 minutes to 2 seconds.
- Some of the monster cards which is fixed for certain areas or quests are not modified.


# 01. Reveal the Secrets of the Sealed Boxes!
- Get the rewards from opening the secretive sealed boxes during the event!
- Period: After server maintenance of 18th April ~ before maintenance of 2nd May 2017

[Event Announcement]
 - You can obtain "Sealed Secret Box" as 2 hours log-in reward through gift & reward item storage.
 - The "Sealed Secret Box" can be unsealed when you bring it with "Secret Key" 
   to Digitamamon in DATS Center and get a "Secret Box".
 - You can open and obtain item from "Secret Box" by right-clicking it.
 - The "Secret Box" contains one of Amplification Booster, Accessory Stone, 
   Evoluter, DATA Box, Digiclone, Backup Disk, Growth Fruit, Mysterious Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg, 
   Worn Miraculous Digi-egg, and Skill Memory Capsule.

[Secret Key]

 - "Secret Key" can be obtained by completing DATS Center Omegamon's daily quest.
 - "Secret Key Piece" items drops from monsters of all over the areas by certain chance.
 - Collect 10 of secret key pieces and make a single "Secret Key" 
   through Digitamamon in DATS Center.

※All the event rewards are character bound.
※All the event material items will be deleted after the event.

# 02. Summon with the Monster Cards!
- Collect monster cards during the event!
- Period: After server maintenance of 18th April ~ before maintenance of 2nd May 2017

[Event Contents]

 - The evil monsters of all area will drop "Random Monster Card" by certain chance.
 - You can obtain Monster Card Lv.1 ~ Lv.7 and high class monster cards 
   when you scan "Random Monster Card".
 - You can use the monster cards in the new dungeon "D-Terminal Underground Summon Square".

※"Random Monster Card" is character bound, but the item you get by scanning is tradable.
※The monster card items will not be deleted ater the event.

# 03. Get the Miracle Sapphire Event
- Boost your level with the Miracle Sapphire during the event!
- Period: After server maintenance of 18th April ~ before maintenance of 2nd May 2017

[Event Contents]

 - You can obtain a Miracle Sapphire when you create a new tamer and complete all the tutorial quests.
 - NPC Yoshino in Yokohama Village will give you Miracle Sapphire as tutorial completion quest reward.
 - You can reach level 35 from level 1 immediately when you use Miracle Sapphire.
 - The event is applied only for the new tamers.

※ Miracle Sapphire you get from the event is character bound.

# 04. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: After server maintenance of 18th April ~ before maintenance of 16th May 2017

[About the Attendance Check]

 - You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
 - Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
 - When the event duration is over, attendance check record will be initialized 
   and you'll restart from the first.
 - Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
 - The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

# 05. Log-in event of April! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!

Period: After maintenance of 7th Mar ~ before maintenance of 4th Apr 2017

- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. 
  Please claim the rewards before 7 days, or they'll be expired.

- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea

- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea

- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coins [(Month)] are removed, and will be merged to 
  single type of Log-in Reward Coin.
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.

# 06. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!

Period: After maintenance of 4th Apr 2017 ~ before maintenance of 2nd May 2017

(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).



# 01. Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After server maintenance of 18th April ~ before maintenance of 2nd May 2017

[Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 - Alpha]
  - Agumon, Gabumon, Qinglongmon, Kudamon, Xuanwumon, Gazimon [Millenniummon], 
    Dracomon [Type: Green] [Type: Blue], Lucemon and etc.

[Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv.5 - Beta]
- Guilmon, Baihumon, Impmon, Zhuqiaomon, Agumon(Black) [Millenniummon], 
  Ryudamon, Dorumon [RaptorDramon] and etc.

※ The DigiEgg you obtain from Alpha and Beta are different. You can obtain by scanning it.

# 02. Soccer Uniform (6 Types) on Limited Sale
- Costume - 6 types of soccer uniforms will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period After server maintenance of 18th April ~ before maintenance of 16th May 2017

 [Costume soccer uniform for Tamer's stat bonus]

 - Novice's Yellow Soccer Uniform
  : Tamer's Max DS +1000, Speed +77%, EXP +1000% increased

 - Beginner's Orange Soccer Uniform
  : Tamer's Max HP +1000, Speed +70%, EXP +700% increased

 - Expert's Green Soccer Uniform
  : Tamer's Attack +600, Speed +77%, EXP +200% increased

 [Costume soccer uniform for Digimon's stat bonus]

 - Mature Blue Soccer Uniform
  : Digimon's Attack Speed +7%, Max HP +1000, Critical Hit Rate +10% increased

 - Veteran's Red Soccer Uniform
  : Digimon's Max HP +1500, Defense +700, Hit Rate +500 increased

 - Profenssional Black Soccer Uniform
  : Digimon's Attack +400, Hit Rate +300, Critical Hit Rate +7% increased

※Every costume has different stat bonuses for either Tamer or Digimon.

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