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  • ShirohigeGenryusay[09-11-2018 22:55]

    understand that we are not like Koreans, some changes were going well, but others are not, they are going to make several players go away and the game will be destroyed. UNDERSTAND WE ARE NOT KOREANS!

  • Xclued[09-11-2018 22:31]

    For developers: Mysterious X factor is a robbery, this is not a game, it is a casino. Stop making us exchange real money for random stuff. GIVE US BACK OLD RARE MACHINE, YOU ARE GOING TO RUIN GAME ECO

  • ALIdigimon[09-11-2018 22:31]

    Funny how its written *Update* but all i see is *UpDaTe* and ye its a meme! Really ruining the coin wasnt good idea since its gonna ruin the economy, therefore the game and bot will increase LOL wp GK

  • heranda[09-11-2018 22:23]

    Why not add agumon for pick at in tickets?

  • aris164[09-11-2018 22:10]

    dont ruin the game make the event machines as they were this will kill the game and the economy

  • kundoX[09-11-2018 21:48]

    It is a pity that they do not realize these things, hopefully they will go back with these changes.

  • kundoX[09-11-2018 21:47]

    Those vouchers give them to you every 3 months and assuming you come out in the first place you would only get 100, that is, you would need at least 2 years of constant play to get them ... crazy

  • kundoX[09-11-2018 21:46]

    that are not even available in the cash shop. They put permanent aura and jogress chip in digitamamon in exchange for 250 seasonal vouchers!

  • kundoX[09-11-2018 21:45]

    Very bad update, we take out the few incentives we had to play. The machine of rare coin was a great incentive since it gave us the possibility of obtaining very good items

  • inuzukakenza[09-11-2018 21:30]

    why i'm always disconnect every time i'm spin rare machine ?

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