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FINISHED16.05.2023 Update

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 16.05.2023.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconvenience.


◎ Update

[Encyclopedia Renewal]

Digimon Encyclopedia has been renewed.

- Renewal Info
1. Changed to UI with added convenience and intuitive, easy-to-understand structure.
2. Digimon cards in the series with completed Digimon Collection in the [Encyclopedia] tab have been changed more graphically to make them easier to recognize.
3. If you press a Digimon card, you can check the model and information of the corresponding Digimon, and in the case of Digimon you own, you can check the level, size, and reinforcement information.
4. If you press [Series/All] button left corner, you can change the layout of the Digimon cards that are output to either series or all.
5. Press the [Statistics] button to check the collected Digimon statistics.
6. Digimon series and Digimon can be searched in the [Search] at the top right (Click the [Reset] button on the right of the [Search] to initialize the search results.)
7. If you press the Star-shaped [Favorites] button in the [Deck] tab, the deck will be fixed at the top of the [Deck] tab. (However, while the deck effect is applied, only the [Favorites] button of the deck to which the deck effect is applied works, so if you want to favorite another deck, it is possible after disabling the deck effect.)
8. Deck can be searched in the [Search] at the top right (Click the [Reset] button on the right of the [Search] to initialize the search results.)

[Added New Deck – Never Give Up]

◎ [Never Give Up] Digimon List

◎ [Never Give Up] Effect


◎ Event

#01. [Hunter’s Energy] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, in specific regions, Hunter’s Energy Gauge is activated that appears on top of the screen.
2. Hunter’s Energy Gauge increases by defeating enemy Digimons.
※ Gauge applies separately on each channel even though Tamers are in the same region.
※ Hunter’s Energy Gauge can be turned On/Off in the interface setting.
3. If Hunter’s Energy Gauge reaches 100%, then, with a certain chance, [Hunter's Battle History Record Lv. ~] drops to only 1 Tamer when an enemy Digimon is defeated in specific regions.
4. After the item drops, Hunter’s Energy Gauge resets.
5. Partner Digimon’s EXP will increase by using [Hunter’s Battle History Record Lv. ~].

◎ [Hunter’s Energy] Applied Regions Info

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#02. [Important Letter Delivery] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05. 2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC <Picked up the letter>Guilmon appears in [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] To...Impmon?] from NPC <Picked up the letter>Guilmon.
3. Obtain [Letter to Impmon] 1ea by accepting the quest.
4. Defeat <Cashing Impmon>Leomon 30ea in [Server Continent Dessert] to complete the quest.
5. Obtain [EP] 10ea and [Red Flower] 1ea by completing the quest.
6. Accept the quest [[Daily] The reason of running away?] from NPC <Running away>Impmon in [Server Continent Dessert] by completing the quest [[Daily] To...Impmon?].
7. Defeat <Angry at Impmon>Gerbemon 30ea in [Server Continent Canyon] to complete the quest.
8. Obtain [EP] 10ea and [Blue Flower] 1ea by completing the quest.
9. Accept the quest [[Daily] Well..was it letter delivery?] from NPC <Running away>Impmon in [Server Continent Canyon] by completing the quest [[Daily] The reason of running away?].
10. Use [Letter to Impmon] to NPC <Running away>Impmon in [Server Continent Pyramid] to complete the quest.
11. Obtain [EP] 5ea by completing the quest.

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#03. [Learn training methods!] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC <Master’s training method>Huckmon appears in [DATS Center].
2. Accept the quest [[Daily] Master’s training method] from NPC <Master’s training method>Huckmon.
3. Obtain [Training Ground Entrance Ticket] 1ea by accepting the quest.
4. Use [Training Ground Entrance Ticket] 1ea to enter the event dungeon [Master’s Training Ground].
5. Defeat <Training Support>Pumpkinmon 15ea in event dungeon to complete the quest.
6. Obtain [EP] 10ea, and [EXP Sapphire [Digimon] E1] 2ea by completing the quest.

◎ [Master’s Training Ground] Enemy Digimon Info

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#04. [Gankoomon’s Tough Training] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, accept the sub quest [A Gift from the Brother] from NPC <Gankoomon’s Student>Huckmon appears in DATS Center.
2. Talk to NPC <Gankoomon’s Student>Huckmon to complete the quest.
3. Obtain [Locked Gankoomon’s Training Box] 1ea by completing the quest.
4. fter the event, the quest is no longer available. However, [Locked Gankoomon’s Training Box] is still upgradeable if a Tamer possesses the box.

- Can obtain [Gankoomon’s Training Certification] by defeating Gankoomon which appears every day.
- Can exchange to the next level of [Gankoomon’s Training Box by using a certain amount of [Locked Gankoomon’s Training Box] and [Gankoomon’s Training Certification].

◎ Gankoomon’s Training Box Item List

※ All items from [Gankoomon’s Training Box] are character bound.

- During the event, [Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box] can be purchased once per account in the cash shop.
- Can obtain [Gankoomon’s Tough Training Certification] by defeating Gankoomon which appears every day.
- Can exchange to the next level of [Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box by using a certain amount of [Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box] and [Gankoomon’s Tough Training Certification].
- After the event, [Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box] is no longer to be purchased. However, [Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box] is still upgradeable if a Tamer possesses the box.

◎ Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box Item List

※ All items from [Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box] are character bound.
※ Since [Gankoomon’s Tough Training] Event runs seasonally, [Locked Gankoomon’s Training Box Lv. 1~20], [Gankoomon’s Training Box Lv. 1~20], [Gankoomon’s Train Certification], [Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box Lv. 1~20], [Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box Lv. 1~20], [Gankoomon’s Tough Train Certification] will be deleted after 3months from the maintenance. (A specific schedule will be noted before the deletion)

#05. [EP Exchange] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 02.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, NPC <EP Exchange>Gabumon appears in [DATS Center].
2. Various items can be crafted by [EP], [Blue Flower], [Red Flower], [Shining Key], [Family Month Box] from NPC <EP Exchange>Gabumon.

◎ NPC <EP Exchange>Gabumon Craft List

◎ [Happiness Seal [Event]] Stat Info

※ All items from the event are character bound.

#06. [Support from DATS Center] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023


- How to proceed
1. During the event, reward by accumulated Log-in time is changed

◎ Accumulated Log-in Time Reward Info

※ All items from the event are character bound.


◎ Promotion

#01. Data Summon Ticket: Legend Summon List Changed

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- Premium Data Summon – Great Xros X7
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Great Xros – Beta 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Great Xros – Beta 1ea

- Premium Data Summon – Ultimate Holy Knight [X7]
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Great Xros – Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea

- Data Summon – Great Xros X7
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Great Xros – Beta 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- Great Xros – Beta [Event] 1ea

- Data Summon – Ultimate Holy Knight [X7]
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Great Xros – Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta [Event] 1ea

- Premium Data Summon – Empty Seat
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea

- Premium Data Summon – Ultimate Holy Knight [Empty Seat]
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea

- Data Summon – Empty Seat
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta [Event] 1ea

- Data Summon – Ultimate Holy Knight [Empty Seat]
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta 1ea
- Data of Resistance: Alphamon Ouryuken(Awaken)-Beta 1ea
- Zero Unit Bracelet 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Rare Jogress Random DigiEgg [Lv. 5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv. 5 [Champion] 1ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 5ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Super Amplification Booster+1000% 35ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 25ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 70]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Beta [Event] 1ea

◎ [Zero Unit Bracelet] Info

※ Each Data Summon can be done by NPC <Data Summon>Babel in every village.

#02. Data Summon Ticket: Legend Summon List Changed

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 13.06.2023

- Data Summon - [Omegamon Alpha]
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Legend 1ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Alpha 1ea
- Sealed Digital Hazard Earring 1ea
- Gehenna 1ea
- Peak of Evolution 50ea
- Rare BM Random Digiegg [Lv. 4-5] 1ea
- Raremon DigiEgg Lv.4-5 1ea
- Hatch Backup [Lv. 4] 6ea
- ChipSet Conversion Kit R2 6ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil 17ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1000% 18ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 150]
- Data of Resistance: Omegamon-Alpha 1ea

#03. Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box Limited Sales

This product can be purchased once per Account, because of the discount, all items are character bound.

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- Locked Gankoomon’s Tough Training Box
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 297 C]

※ For more information about Gankumon's Tough Training Box, please refer to the [Gankumon's Tough Training] event in the update.

#04. 3 Types of Tamer Exchange Package 改 Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- Matt Tamer Exchange Package 改
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 149 C]
- Exchange Tamer [Matt] 1ea
- Gabumon DigiEgg Lv.4~5 1ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1,000% 20ea
- Backup Disk 30ea
- ExpBooster+300% [30D] 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
- Evoluter 30ea
- ModeSelector 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

- Exchange Tamer [Mimi] Package 改
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 149 C]
- Exchange Tamer [Mimi] 1ea
- Palmon[Original] DigiEgg Lv.4-5 1ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1,000% 20ea
- Backup Disk 30ea
- ExpBooster+300% [30D] 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
- Evoluter 30ea
- ModeSelector 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

- Exchange Tamer [Sora] Package 改
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 149 C]
- Exchange Tamer [Sora] 1ea
- Piyomon Digiegg Lv.4-5 1ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1,000% 20ea
- Backup Disk 30ea
- ExpBooster+300% [30D] 1ea
- Energy Aura [30D] 1ea
- Evoluter 30ea
- ModeSelector 10ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

#05. NEW Xros Heart Package Limited Sales

This product is based on [Event] and does not apply of 20% discount on STEAM, because of the discount, all items are character bound.

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- NEW Xros Heart Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 357 C]
- Shoutmon Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 [Event] 1ea
- Ballistamon Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 [Event] 1ea
- Dorulumon Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 [Event] 1ea
- Starmons Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 [Event] 1ea
- Sparrowmon Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 [Event] 1ea
- EXP Sapphire Box 5ea
- Legendary Digivolution - Ω [Event] 1ea

◎ [EXP Sapphire Box] Component

※ Apply all components of [EXP Sapphire Box] to increase Digimon’s Level to 90.

#06. Blue Flare Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- Blue Flare Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 149 C]
- Mailbirdramon Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- Greymon(C) Random DigiEgg Lv. 4~5 1ea
- Evoluter 16ea
- Duplicated Hatch Backup [Lv. 5] 2ea
- Rock Mid Class DATA 20ea
- Dragon Mid Class DATA 20ea
- EXP Sapphire Box 2ea
Fortune Cookie 2ea

◎ [EXP Sapphire Box] Component

※ Apply all components of [EXP Sapphire Box] to increase Digimon’s Level to 90.

#07. DigiXros Chip [Fixed-Term] Permanent Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Permanent

- DigiXros Chip
[Price: [7D] ▶ 12 C]
[Price: [15D] ▶ 24 C]
[Price: [30D] ▶ 45 C]

#08. KaiserGreymon Complete Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- Wind into Flame, Ice into Sword
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 249 C]
- Spirit of Shining Fire H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Fire B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wind H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wind B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Ice H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Ice B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wood H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Wood B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Earth H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Earth B 1ea
- Fruit of Champion 5ea
Fortune Cookie 4ea

#09. MagnaGarurumon Complete Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.05.2023 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.05.2023

- Darkness into Light, Thunder into Cannon
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 249 C]
- Spirit of Shining Light H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Light B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Thunder H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Thunder B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Water H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Water B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Darkness H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Darkness B 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Steel H 1ea
- Spirit of Shining Steel B 1ea
- Fruit of Champion 5ea
Fortune Cookie 4ea


◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Fixed DarknessBagramon Aura Effect.
- Added Craft list of [ChipSet Conversion Kit R2 (Event)] item, obtained through the event / <Item Craft>Nanomon in DATS Center
- Security improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup

Thank you.

comments 4


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  • andreyjuruns[05-17-2023 18:45]

    where is the gallantmon x for event, abandoned american server

  • mikoyan16[05-16-2023 19:16]

    Why are people giving fake bans for doing nothing wrong? Scammers?

  • blue6[05-16-2023 15:40]

    falto Mastemon

  • jkt7550[05-16-2023 13:14]

    Fix idg and idgh

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