Hello this is the GM team.
Now that you had made your vote on the poll the question entitled “What is the most in need to Priorities for update?” it is now time to explain your vote by commenting into this notice.
Tamers who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will be rewarded and we will try to implement it on the system and service advancement.
Gift: mystery reinforced mercenary DigiEgg
Number of winners: 20 Lucky winners
Event Period: July 20 ~ 27, 2012
Winner list: Will be announced one week after poll closing.
Item provision: Will be next weekly server inspection from the winner list posting date
- Only those players who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will qualify for random draw.
- Once the winners have been chosen it is final.
Thank you
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Add CommentI welcome the legendary tamer event as it appreciates the importance Joymax has with his players to make such events encourage us to continue having fun with players who were not due
I also think it''s okay to take intoaccount the players listening to their ideas, so they can further improve the game and make it more fun. :)
increasingly being improved at DMO I like your updates to follow so it is fun every time they put new things like, digimon, objects, events, and that''s great :) thanks DMO.
and hopefully can get the pvp that would be great I am very excited to play against other players, thanks dmo :)
I liked my all events this month especially the conect stay because I could win things so just by being connected, and though I enjoyed the flakes of ice that fell many evoluters, thanks dmo
The most important priorities for update is the hatch rate (4/5 ,5/5). why?, because a lot of people leave the game bored , look web pages about digimon masters and you will see it.
place together like the wesern villiage things like that so their can be a variety of digimon every where you go. Glad to have participated in the event
Every comment is missing the point it says properties for updates not events or suggestions. I''m not saying the comments are all bad but updates are for fixing problems and brining another server or
i think try to recreate digimon tv series in the game, for example devimon fight, myotismon, after ''''dark masters'''' and others. make a EVENT with AGUMON REINFORCED DIGIEGG, always gabumon and salamon!
I hope you will take my ideas into consideration. ^^