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FINISHEDWinners of The Great Challenge,The Burst mode

Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "The Great Challenge, The Burst mode!”, Congratulations to all of the winners.

Prize - 5pcs of 200% EXP booster!


The Great Challenge, The Burst mode!
• Buy a Renamon staff or Dramon breaker on the event period and have a chance to win 5pcs of 200% EXP booster!
ServerName Character Name Nickname
Leviamon Hikiri supehyperbowl
Leviamon CetaNovizio demonregalia
Leviamon LordAl3x zippetytoon
Leviamon DoomPhase doomchaotic
Leviamon generalkai shinigami730
ServerName Character Name Nickname
Lucemon Predador alli0n
Lucemon GaoTamer KadenRapius
Lucemon Jhon9999 eduzika
Lucemon fedenico34 fedenico2
Lucemon RieZz RieZz1
ServerName Character Name Nickname
Lilithmon Kizu Muzuma
Lilithmon LeeTaemin panjole
Lilithmon ilirjan zeneli
Lilithmon EstrupiciO xEstrupiciO
Lilithmon ECKO joaopsp22
ServerName Character Name Nickname
Barbamon Hinaginku NeahThe14thNoah
Barbamon Kenjiro LightTasuuh
Barbamon PsilkMurah darkdante14
Barbamon ExoNecniv Cenfang
Barbamon Remitente remitente69

Note: Prizes has been provided after the server inspection on June 12, 2012

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