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FINISHEDWinners of New Tamers of Renamon/Agumon 2

Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Welcome New Tamers of Renamon/Agumon Size Category”, Congratulations to all of the winners.

Prize - Dogymon DigiEgg


Welcome New Tamers of Renamon/Agumon (Event 2 Winners)
Hatch 5/5 Renamon or Agumon in event period and have a chance to win the new Digimon that had been added on 5th of June! (Dogymon)10 Lucky tamers has been chosen as winners on each server, and prize has been distributed on 12th of June (Total of 40 Lucky Winners)
Server Digimon  Tamer  Egg Level Nickname
Leviamon RENAMON MelonPye                         5 melonpye101
Leviamon AGUMON KRATOSvr                         5 kratosvrr
Leviamon RENAMON RaulII                           5 novatocastrado
Leviamon AGUMON mesutozil                        5 robive
Leviamon RENAMON NeLieLTR                         5 XxNeLieLxX
Leviamon AGUMON Laevateinn                       5 Korindou
Leviamon RENAMON Kravitz                          5 Echio
Leviamon RENAMON Sirocco                          5 CrowSamaBM
Leviamon AGUMON Xstylus                          5 Vitali987
Leviamon AGUMON River                            5 joseib
Server Digimon  Tamer  Egg Level Nickname
Lucemon AGUMON esteban                          5 chaosomegamon
Lucemon RENAMON panjisp                          5 panjyuchenko10
Lucemon AGUMON Drag0nSlayer                     5 b1elzinhow
Lucemon RENAMON Sefiro                           5 sefiro020
Lucemon AGUMON Magnumround                      5 Razelux89
Lucemon RENAMON Dawn                             5 Poetical
Lucemon AGUMON Artesia                          5 TinneU
Lucemon AGUMON Kiuros                           5 pdropiment
Lucemon RENAMON Sergio1                          5 wesker092
Lucemon AGUMON Dare                             5 Maliciously
Server Digimon  Tamer  Egg Level Nickname
Lilithmon RENAMON FlyingEagle                      5 Username071
Lilithmon AGUMON Zagrothar                        5 Sayroth
Lilithmon AGUMON joalter                          5 tonado1
Lilithmon AGUMON Mikelaj                          5 ChaosMortall
Lilithmon RENAMON FcZTakiya                        5 pontang
Lilithmon AGUMON Nataly                           5 InccubusKing
Lilithmon RENAMON zero                             5 n0madhier
Lilithmon RENAMON MorbidReve                       5 Ashtoria
Lilithmon RENAMON Kiriroku                         5 Kiriroku
Lilithmon RENAMON Kyub                             5 KyubThi
Server Digimon  Tamer  Egg Level Nickname
Barbamon RENAMON D0013014_JullhiBrr               5 Jeiknho
Barbamon RENAMON Asena                            5 Johnini
Barbamon AGUMON Hallucinogen                     5 TheUnpredictable
Barbamon AGUMON K1ng                             5 K1ngisback
Barbamon RENAMON ToBeContinue                     5 TheNghtMaree55
Barbamon RENAMON HamHam                           5 rifqyhamham
Barbamon RENAMON Echo                             5 xENxPRODIGY
Barbamon RENAMON DigiKaiser                       5 Divinekids
Barbamon AGUMON savo98                           5 supersavo98
Barbamon AGUMON Megcsaplak                       5 Nyaffancs

Note: Prizes has been provided after the server inspection on June 12, 2012

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  • CrowSamaBM[06-15-2012 09:09]

    Fa-ke, the prizes given were unscan eggs instead of level 5.

  • melonpye101[06-13-2012 06:06]

    thanks for the 5/5 doggymon lol

  • novatocastrado[06-12-2012 23:44]

    Hey, is Reinforcered? or Normal Egg?

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