FINISHEDWinners of Celebrate the Barbamon opening!
Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Celebrate the Barbamon opening!", congratulations to all of the winners.
Prize: Mystery reinforced DigiEgg (1x)
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname |
GaoHazard |
freakySR |
justaboy17 |
skyprincedarkz |
cepecep |
maailu |
bulatemon |
GGCasPer |
nerored |
jenkenmon |
L0stMagiciaN |
JothaKun |
win9kerman |
AuraKangaroo |
judesharp |
kur0kuro |
C12z |
Eneng |
mezuki |
eliva |
zedq1 |
EliteTamers |
Buicu93 |
Dogoier |
blackein |
Couto2929 |
Sylde |
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Add Commentyay... i won.. ^^ this is my first time i won ^^ thank you joymax.. btw.. the prize will be given in what server??
thank you joyymax.....when we will get the prizes
I won ^_^ Thanks joymax!
Go open Serve