Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Upload your unique level-up tips", congratulations to all of the winners.
GMs Special Gift (1 Winner)
Prize: 1 Kudamon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg and 10 pcs Evoluters
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname: Darmz
The Level up Tip of the Grand Winner will be posted at our website next week after server Inspection
Gift of Gratitude (50 Selected Winners)
Prize: Mystery Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname |
Nosckid |
JatXas |
Omni21 |
RandyArga |
greenmage108 |
niks21 |
Alreadyinusee |
boonaun93 |
Bekleding |
andrewlambesis |
CeciliaCrescent |
k3ff0 |
yobelI |
WilNLusi |
pedopandabear |
cbita95 |
niwre242 |
fumundamaballz |
cheffe615 |
CerebRuZ |
sullenclown1988 |
demat |
Czarovelt |
CookieMonster1193 |
JooeeeT |
gastarii |
GusAgus |
Amenenza |
KonTLoE |
Ryuzin |
codei |
GwenRyuunami |
ukiii |
Deinocheirus |
Ainnalim |
gazeking |
rgsantos |
DensetsuNoChangeman |
TobiGuy |
ryo5713 |
KyuubiBroly |
Rhonder |
DuoMaximilian |
SyncDae |
mezuki |
XxProdigyxxX |
Lhogan |
Dannzar |
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Add Commentplz give my egg in my lucemon id niks98 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! thx
how could I don''t get anything ? i give unique level up tips no guide level up tips you can see my post in page 39 #381 , lol change name event to guide Level UP Tips!! lol . nice event
i think they just choose random people really...dont think its fair for the player who actually worked hard on them too...
i think tis event is not fair for earlier postings, people can simply study, reference, add or enhance previously written contents. n i curious did each n every post was really being read through...
i can''t see how he beat my post on page 21.. anyway I''m not playing this game anymore coz it''s back to school time so it doesn''t matter.. goodluck to all.. gratz Darmz.. enjoy =Þ
But then again, congratulations JOYMAX for another successful event and congratulations to the WINNERS. Thank You! :)
Then I don''t think i will read everyone''s tip before posting mine because of the fact that its just too many to read and to clarify, the tip i posted is what i''m doing in the game to level-up easily.
I posted my LEVEL-UP TIP near the last page because that is my plan so that none of the players here will copy what i just posted.
Darmz you can keep the prize its jus that the other 50 should be rethought seeingas most are repeats of everyone else wheres the uniqunise in that! I DO HAVE A QUESTION WHY IS IT THAT JOYMAX NEVER ANS
came up wth their own means of trying to aquire a higher level other then te usualgrinding right AND JOYMAX IF IM WRONG WHAT WAS THE POINT TO THE EVENT AT ALL!!!!! the nongrindiong tips should win !!!