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FINISHEDWinners of Screenshot With a GM event:


Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Capture a Screenshot with a GM event", congratulations to all of the winners.
Prize: 5 pcs Evoluters
Prize Provision: May 15, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Winners List:
Screenshot with a GM Event Winner's
GM in the Screenshot Nickname
GM Miyazaki Niwapu
GM Miyazaki dvb7
GM Miyazaki Gunniess
GM Miyazaki DigitalSapiens
GM Miyazaki Volvarea
GM SweetPain Alreadyinusee
GM SweetPain maximusgenitalia
GM SweetPain jrmastersx
GM SweetPain mezuki
GM SweetPain pxtreg
GM Milcwen Laxuso
GM Milcwen Hea1x
GM Milcwen Valla1991
GM Milcwen JarrenKulet
GM Milcwen ForS4k3nZz
GM Nimrod taits
GM Nimrod draykomon
GM Nimrod mahdi96
GM Nimrod lordgate
GM Nimrod hal0918
GM NoXiGns JotaGeHartz
GM NoXiGns kelvinsoufer
GM NoXiGns jasont13
GM NoXiGns Eahsal
GM NoXiGns jeremytch
GM Eioul abeyyvaly1
GM Eioul SpringWolf
GM Eioul loryca
GM Eioul SkywardX
GM Eioul A7xRezaMon
Winners List:Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of Capture a Screenshot with a GM event, congratulations to all of the winners.
Winners List:

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  • hal0918[05-15-2012 19:21]

    i didn''t get the 5 evos that i''m suppose to get after the server inspection

  • lilrico4[05-15-2012 08:30]

    i have a question when will you be making the tamers and digimon talk

  • EsieyenCycleZ[05-14-2012 15:41]

    nah...i just want digimon that have BM.

  • legendari000[05-14-2012 09:38]


  • selayang90[05-14-2012 09:35]

    PLease ADD betamon EGG.. !! - like in KDMO and monzaemon if you can.. Also please make some offer (especially Archieve and Evo) in cash shop or at least make some event for both item - tQ ^^

  • alssde111[05-14-2012 00:16]

    buy guilmon 5/5 for dramonbreak

  • alssde111[05-14-2012 00:16]

    buy gabumon 5/5 =5T.500m

  • alssde111[05-14-2012 00:13]

    plese need beta PvP

  • hal0918[05-13-2012 14:24]

    please add numemon and sukamon =p

  • EsieyenCycleZ[05-13-2012 07:13]

    Every Weekend have 200% and also free evo and tane,kame...

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