On the 5th i got kamemon and on the 6th i also got kamemon
Qvi[05-07-2012 20:37]
Aw man, I really wanted Tanemon but couldn''t log in that day and missed it completely ... :(
Jaypanda[05-07-2012 10:29]
Why did i not get my egg?
rajking3000[05-06-2012 22:49]
evoluters should be daily please
SinisterEvolution[05-06-2012 21:28]
just be happy we are gettin an egg for free lol i missed one cuz of work but not griping cuz i still get kame
Epicgon[05-06-2012 14:53]
are u guys doing this every weekend and week or just on the weekends?
janzen2[05-06-2012 14:16]
ya cause i bet alot of people are sitting at their computers wonderin why their getting a kamemon instead of tanemon just like me -.-
backwardssutyt[05-06-2012 13:36]
for the next event when you guys do that tell people on the broad messages that it goes by the eastern hemisphere noy western
backwardssutyt[05-06-2012 13:31]
yeah in the U.S.A it is may 5th and not the 6th why are you guys going by the eastern hemishpere and not by the different time zones in the two different hemisphere''s
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On the 5th i got kamemon and on the 6th i also got kamemon
Aw man, I really wanted Tanemon but couldn''t log in that day and missed it completely ... :(
Why did i not get my egg?
evoluters should be daily please
just be happy we are gettin an egg for free lol i missed one cuz of work but not griping cuz i still get kame
are u guys doing this every weekend and week or just on the weekends?
ya cause i bet alot of people are sitting at their computers wonderin why their getting a kamemon instead of tanemon just like me -.-
for the next event when you guys do that tell people on the broad messages that it goes by the eastern hemisphere noy western
yeah in the U.S.A it is may 5th and not the 6th why are you guys going by the eastern hemishpere and not by the different time zones in the two different hemisphere''s