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FINISHED16.04.2024 Update

Hello. This is Dats Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 16.04.2024.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconvenience.


◎ Update

[New Digimon added – ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode]

ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode joined the digital world.


- Evolution Tree

- Jogress : ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode

◎ Rank : U
◎ Evolution Level: 70
◎ Attribute: Da
◎ Elemental: Steel
◎ Family: VB

- Stat Info

- Skill Info

- How to obtain ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode
 Open evolution slot of Greymon(C)’s ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode..
 The evolution item of Greymon(C)’s ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode [Final Xros-Alpha] can be obtained through Data Summon: Ultimate.

 Open evolution slot of Mailbirdramon’s ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode.
 The evolution item of Mailbirdramon’s ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode [Final Xros-Beta] can be obtained through Data Summon: Ultimate.

 Open evolution slot of ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode.
 The evolution item of ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode [Burning rocker] can be obtained through Data Summon: Ultimate.

- ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode’s Riding Mode

 Open ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode’s Riding Mode by using Riding item [Holy wings of light].
 [Holy wings of light] can be purchased through Cash Shop.

[Add new deck – I’m the future Digimon King!]

◎ [I’m the future Digimon King!] Digimon List

[I’m the future Digimon King!] Digimon List

◎ [I’m the future Digimon King!] effect


◎ Event

#01. [ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode launch celebration 2X] event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024(Tue)


- Progress
1. During the event, among the stats of ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode, HP, DS, DE, and AT are doubled.

◎ ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode Event Stat Info

2. During the event, ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode’s Skill Damage is doubled.

◎ ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode Event Skill Damage Info

#02. [Final Xros] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024(Tue)


1. During the event, NPC <Power up!>Shoutmon appears at [Dats Center].
2. When setting your partner Digimon to ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode, you can receive the quest [[Sub] Final Xros] from NPC <Power Up!> Shoutmon.
3. Talk to NPC <Power Up!> Shoutmon to complete the quest.
4. If you complete the quest, get achievement[Glorious DigiXros].

◎ [Achievement] Glorious DigiXros

※ The gift items given by this event are [Event] type items which cannot be traded..

#03. [Power up with your heart!] Event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024(Tue)


- Progress
1. During the event, NPC <Power up!>Shoutmon appears at [Dats Center].
2. Receive the quest [[Daily] Power up with your heart!!] from NPC <Power Up!> Shoutmon.
3. When you accept the quest, get [Information of Digimon King].
4. Complete the quest by summoning <King> ShoutmonX7 Superior Mode, using [Digimon King’s information] at [D-Terminal Summon Square] of [Dats Center].
5. Get 1 [Random Box] after completing the quest.

◎ [Random Box] Random List

※ The gift items given by this event are [Event] type items which cannot be traded.

#04. [Wandering Trader] event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024(Tue)


- Progress

1. <Wandering Trader>Armadimon appears at Dats Center.
2. Get the quest [[Daily] Wandering Trader] from NPC <Wandering Trader>Armadimon.
3. Complete the quest by killing <Harrier> Zekegreymon at [Yokohama Village].
4. Get 1 [Store Coupon] after completing the quest.

◎ Event monster appearance Info

◎ NPC <Wandering Trader> Armadimon Item Crafting List

#05. [I want to see flower too!] event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024(Tue)


- Progress
1. During the event, <Exam period>Mimi appears at [Dats Center].
2. Get the quest [[Daily]I want to see flowers too!] from <Exam period>Mimi.
3. Complete the quest by using 2 [camera] to Lilymon at the <File Island Water Front> and Palmon at the <Silver Lake>.
4. Get [EP] 30ea, [Mimi’s precious item] 1ea after completing the quest.

#06. [If I got a perfect score…] event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024(Tue)


- Progress
1. During the event, NPC<Exam period>Mimi appears at [Dats Center].
2. Get the quest[[Daily] If I got a perfect score…] from <Exam period>Mimi.
3. Complete the quest by killing all the digimons at [All glacier area] and receive [Perfect score test paper] 5ea.
4. Get [EP] 30ea, [Mimi’s Letter] 1ea after completing the quest.

#07. [EP Exchange] event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024(Tue)


- Progress
1. During the event, NPC<EP exchange>Bancholeomon appears at [Dats Center].
2. Various items can be made from NPC <EP Exchange> Bancholeomon using [EP], [Mina's Precious Item], and [Mina's Letter] obtained when completing other event quests.

◎ NPC <EP Exchange>Bancholeomon Craft List

◎ [Seal of spring [Event]] Stat Info

※ The gift items given by this event are [Event] type items which cannot be traded.

#08. [Support from Dats Center] event

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024(Tue)


- Progress
1. During the event, reward by accumulated Log-in time is changed

◎ Accumulated Log-in Time Reward Info

※ The gift items given by this event are [Event] type items which cannot be traded.


◎ Promotion

#01. Premium Data Summon : Ultimate List

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024

- Premium Data Summon - Away king
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Ultimate] 2ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Final Xros 1ea
- Sealed 103-SnowFlower-OT 1ea
- Zero Unit Accessory Random Box 1ea
- Sealed Digital Hazard Acc Set Box 1ea
- Highest Skill Memory Capsule [Attack], [Defense], [Support] 1ea
- DIGI-Keyring 1ea
- Evolution Data Extraction Kit 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Cube 2ea
- Reinforced DigiAura Ver. X Box [30Days] 1ea
- Reinforced DigiAura Ver. Y Box [30Days] 1ea
- All Chipset R17~20 Random Box 1ea
- Attribute Rank E Lv1 ~ F LvMax Random Box 1ea
- Dungeon Entry Exchange Ticket [Event] 1ea
- Option Change Stone 40ea
- Number Change Stone 40ea
- Platinum Banana 200ea
- Ultimate Mileage Coupon 1ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 150]
- Final Xros 1ea

◎ [Final Xros] Components

※ Ultimate Mileage Coupon can be used to craft items from Digitamamon in DATS Center.
※ Dungeon Entry Exchange Ticket [Event] can be exchanged for Dungeon Tickets form Digitamamon in DATS Center.

◎ NPC <Item craft> Digitamamon Craft List

#02. Data Summon Ticket: Unique List Added

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Data Summon - CherryBlossom 4 U
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Unique 1ea]
[Random Summon List]
- Spring energy random box 1ea
- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Cube 2ea
- Reinforced Digiclone Set 2ea
- Option Change Stone 20ea
- Platinum Banana 400ea
- Seal Opener 250ea
- Raremon DigiEgg-Lv.5[Champion] 1ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 200ea
- Super Amplification Booster +1000% 18ea
- ChipSet Conversion Kit R2 5ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- Spring energy random box 1ea

◎ [Spring energy random box] Components

#03. Data Summon Ticket : Rare List Added

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Data Summon - DIGI-Keyring
[Needed Data Summon Ticket: Rare 1ea]
[Random Summon List]
- DIGI-Keyring 1ea
- Reinforced Digiclone Set Box 2ea
- Raremon DigiEgg Lv.4-5 2ea
- Option Change Stone 15ea
- Rechargeable Energy 50ea
- Backup Disk 20ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.4 2ea
- Fruit of Yggdrasil 6ea
- Seal Opener 30ea
- Organic Gold Banana 300ea
- ChipSet Conversion Kit R2 3ea

[Guaranteed Reward List]
[Guaranteed Reward Gauge: 100]
- DIGI-Keyring 1ea

#04. 17% Discount of Data Summon Ticket: Ultimate

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ ~ Before the maintenance on 07.05.2024

- Data Summon Ticket : Ultimate
[Price: [1ea] 119C ▶ 99C]

※ The in-game discount lavel is displayed as 15%, but a 17% discount is normally applied.

Each Data Summon can be done by NPC Babel in every village.

#05. Shoutmon DX Complete Package Permanent Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Permanent Sales

- Shoutmon DX Complete Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 399C]
- Greymon(C) DigiEgg [Lv.4~5][Event] 1ea
- Mail Birdramon DigiEgg [Lv.4~5][Event] 1ea
- Double Fusion - DX - Alpha [Event] 1ea
- Double Fusion - DX - Beta [Event] 1ea
- DX Double Blade [Event] 1ea
- Dragon Mid Class DATA [Event] 10ea
- Rock Mid Class DATA [Event] 10ea
- Hatch Backup Lv.5 [Event] 4ea
- EXP Sapphire Box 2ea

◎ [EXP Sapphire Box] Components

※ Apply all components of [EXP Sapphire Box] to increase Digimon’s Level 1 to 90.

#06. Shoutmon X7 : superiormode Riding Item Permanent Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Permanent Sales

- wings of holy light
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 48C]

#07. [GSP] Mega Reinforced Digiclone Cube Limited Sales

This product can be purchased 1 times per Account, because of high discount rate, all items are character bound.

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Mega Reinforced Digiclone Cube Can be purchased 10 times per account
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 48 C]

◎ [Mega Reinforced Digiclone Cube] Random List

#08. Fruit of Homeostasis 1+1 Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Fruit of Homeostasis 1+1
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 8C]

- Fruit of Homeostasis 5+5
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 40C]

- Fruit of Homeostasis 10+10
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 80C]

#09. 2 Types of Slot Open Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Slot Expansion Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 99C]
- Mercenary Slot Expansion 1ea
- DigimonArchive Expansion+1 5ea
- Warehouse Expansion+1 20ea
- Inventory Expansion+1 20ea
Fortune Cookie 1ea

- Slot Open Package - Light
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 49C]
- DigimonArchive Expansion+1 5ea
- Warehouse Expansion+1 20ea
- Inventory Expansion+1 10ea

#10. Platinum Banana Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Platinum Banana
[Price: [50ea] ▶ 8C]
[Price: [250ea] ▶ 40C]
[Price: [500ea] ▶ 80C]

◎ Platinum Banana Info

#11. 2 Types of Line-up Buff Package Limited Sales

[Duration] After the maintenance on 16.04.2024 ~ Before the maintenance on 30.04.2024

- Evasion Line-up Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 49C]
- Digimon Boost – [Evade]+500 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Attack]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Defense]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Max HP]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Max DS]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Skill Damage]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Critical Attack]+50% 2ea
- Platinum Banana 200ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 100ea

- Hit Line-up Package
[Price: [1ea] ▶ 49C]
- Digimon Boost – [Hit Rate]+500 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Attack]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Defense]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Max HP]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Max DS]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Skill Damage]+50% 2ea
- Digimon Boost – [Critical Attack]+50% 2ea
- Platinum Banana 200ea
- Sweet Strawberry Cake 100ea

#12. [GSP] Miracle Accessory [Level 10] package / Limited sale of Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 1]

[Duration] After the maintenance on 23.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024(Tue)

- [Special discount] Miracle Accessory [Level 10] Can be purchased once per account
[Sale price: [1ea] ▶ 249C]
- Ticket to Miracle Accessory[Level 10] 1ea
- Option Change Stone [Event] 10ea
- Number Change Stone [Event] 10ea

- Ticket to Miracle Accessory [Level 10]
[Sale price: [5ea] ▶ 10C]
20% discount [Sale price: [50ea] 220C▶ 80C]
30% discount [Sale price: [100ea] 320C▶ 140C]

#13. Rapid Transcendence Package改 Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 23.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024(Tue)

- Rapid Transcendence Package 改
[Sale price: [1ea] ▶ 149C]
- Raremon DigiEgg Lv.4-5 3ea
- Mid Class T. Convert SChip Exchange Coin 10ea
- EXP Sapphire Box Lv100 1ea
- Fruit of Homeostasis 20ea
[Additional payment]
Fortune Cookie 2ea

◎ [EXP Sapphire Box Lv100] Component

※ [EXP Sapphire box Lv100] is [Event] so it is unable to trade.
※ You can upgrade level from 1 to 100 if you use all components in 1 [EXP Sapphire Box Lv100].

#14. Skill Digicode Lv15, 9 types 20% discount Limited Sale

[Duration] After the maintenance on 23.04.2024(Tue) ~ Before the maintenance on 14.05.2024(Tue)

- Skill Digicode Lv15, 9 types
[Sale price: [1ea] 29C ▶ 23C]
[Sale price: [1ea] 39C ▶ 31C]
[Sale price: [1ea] 44C ▶ 35C]
[Sale price: [1ea] 49C ▶ 39C]

◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security improvement
- Server/Channel stabilization
- Game DB organization/backup

Thank you.

comments 6


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  • deividbsk87[05-05-2024 03:33]


  • deividbsk87[05-05-2024 03:33]


  • taich33[04-19-2024 23:25]


  • DramonFire[04-17-2024 03:38]

    when will the players wake up and see that something is not right here, 3000$ in a digimon... this is the price of 7-8 PlayStation 5 or 3 IPhone Pro

  • bakuganbrawler5[04-16-2024 20:59]

    I am not able to launch the game after the latest update. I keep getting error "Excecute DMLauncher.exe". Fix it.

  • UmutZ[04-16-2024 13:55]

    Great Event! But are there no extra replacement examination period coin, because of all of the server issues where people could not log in and get them?

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