Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings Tamers!
Here is your chance to get the Digimon you’ve always wanted at a “DISCOUNTED PRICE”, and Now, we are happy to announce that “Selected Items” in our Cash Shop are now on SALE!
Do Not miss your chances as you wanted!
1. Impmon, Gabumon, Keramon 50% Discount
From 70silk → NOW 35silk!
2. Digimon Archive Expansion 48% Discount
From 27silk → Now 14silk!
3. Mystery reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg [Unit] - 70silk
Digimon that you can get from “Mystery reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg
* DigiEggs that you can get from “Mystery reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg" is 4/5 or 5/5 Egg (1unit obtainable)
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Add CommentMay i be choosen please
also could lopmon come on soon with alphamon please i want him because his stronger then omnimon
please add alphamon as an evolution after dorugoramon for dorumon please
can you guys please put in alphamon for dorumon as an evolution after dorugoramon
Just waiting for Lopmon to come out -_-
guys next time make the reinforced digiegg cost less than 70 silk cus we need lots of money to reach there!!!!! PLEASE DO THAT PS: Make an egg that gives 5/5 no catch!
Realease Gallantmon Crimson Mode BM item! u.u
@ cookiemoster people did brought "Mystery reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg" and shouldn''t cost 70 silk to get mystery mercenary egg.
Cool i got a 4/5 Renamon from mine , Thats what i wanted although i''d prefer 5/5 ;p But its all good
has anyone bought an egg that got them a 4/5 or 5/5? cos i wanna buy one but if they are broke i will wait