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FINISHEDNew Language Extension Pack & New Promotion !!

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the promotion that starts on 2022.01.18.
Please review the following information to avoid any inconvenience.

◎ Update

[New Language Extension Pack – Spanish]

New language extension pack [Spanish] has been updated!
Texts with missing translation will be printed in English as before and it will be continuously updated on each update.
(And we're planning on adding Portuguese into the game!)

1. How to Enable Spanish Setting on the launcher
① Click the launcher.

② Click the option at the top right.

③ Change English to Spanish at the bottom left.

2. How to Enable Spanish Setting in the game
① Click the option.

② Click interface and Scroll down to the bottom.

③ Change English to Spanish by Clicking the language at the ‘Others’.

[Gameking Homepage Renewal]

Gameking homepage has been renewed!
There is the option to enable Spanish Setting in the Gameking homepage as well.
Click the globe mark at the top right to change English to Spanish.

※ Please press the F5 key, if the homepage doesn’t work.

※ If homepage doesn't work on mobile, please initialize the setting.

◎ Promotion

For this promotion, reward items will be given based on the accumulated amount of Crown purchased from 2022.01.18 00:00 to 2022.01.24 24:00. (GMT+9)

◎ [Awesome Purchase Gift Box] Component

※ Additional reward items will be provided for larger Crown purchases.
※ For Tamers on Steam, the reward items will be given based on the amount of Crown you spent.
※ However, if you have received the reward from the promotion event above, items purchased during the event cannot be refunded.
※ All items from the event are character bound.
※ Reward Items will be provided after the next maintenance day. (2022/01/25)

Thank you.

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  • danillocode6[01-23-2022 16:44]

    Every time I try to enter underground summons Square I take dc

  • sentinela96[01-23-2022 00:54]

    Omegamon Quest Agumon 5> BUG!

  • Sefh1rO[01-21-2022 09:37]

    many use dash bot should sell the magnetic 1D at 150T

  • mimichanoxbetaisrmt[01-21-2022 07:15]

    Burst Mode item bug is still not getting fixed. Tamer is unable to equip BM item to unlock BM evolution slot.

  • anacerr[01-21-2022 04:45]

    And yeah, better compensation is a logical thing to do.

  • asvbwy[01-21-2022 01:33]

    otmizem os mapas: verndad, Shibuya ~Big Site.

  • thanatos202[01-20-2022 23:59]

    Also better compensation for all the issues

  • thanatos202[01-20-2022 23:58]

    You guys should considering shutting the servers down for a day so you can fix all the current bugs i.e exp, xai, tera, items, jump boosters and to prevent any new game disrupting bugs.

  • F888[01-20-2022 20:23]

    quest items not dropping and teras all over the place, if i change channel it refreshes and to see if the teras is only visual i tested and u cant buy so its ok, the problem is the magnet from what ik

  • Neo0din[01-20-2022 17:59]

    Now, after this maintenance to solve digi xp, we get problems on inventory, quest items number, money earned, etc... From bad to worse...

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