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FINISHEDPromotion! One Egg of a Day!!

Hello Tamers, this is DATS Center.

We would like to inform you about the update on 2021.06.08.
Please refer to the information below to avoid any inconveniences.

◎ Promotion



#01. One Egg of a Day~! Lv.5 DigiEgg on limited sale (Gameking only)!

[Duration]  After maintenance on 2021.06.09 ~ Maintenance on 2021.06.15


  • Different Lv.5 DigiEggs are on limited sale everyday.
  • The DigiEgg of that day is on sale for 24 hours and the sale ends on 00 hours.

(the final DigiEgg will be on sale until the maintenance)


- One Egg of a Day! Lv.5 DigiEgg

[Price: [1ea] ▶ 198 C]



  • DigiEgg of the Day [Lv.5]




  • All items are [Event] items that are character bound, and each DigiEgg can be purchased only once per account.
  • Please refer to our official Facebook Page for the latest update on the DigiEggs.



◎ Update and Bug Fixes

- Security Improvement

- Server/Channel stabilization

- Game DB organization/backup



Thank you!

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  • xxlucasfreitasxx[06-11-2021 15:19]

    I demand that you give me the quest item or one more day of vip, I bought a vip just to do the DexDorugreymon quest that drops the necessary items to do the aox and you reset the servo before the time

  • Tobirama1[06-11-2021 12:26]

    please joymax answer my Q&A

  • holunging[06-10-2021 08:52]

    how about llimited sales : x evo item (character bound) once per account. i think all player will buy crown, better your fking loot box % no1 buy

  • op002[06-10-2021 00:37]


  • lamrise[06-09-2021 21:47]

    please aswer the support tickets we need your help in our issues.

  • romuloroy08[06-09-2021 16:03]

    It has the ability to do bad events, but it doesn't have the ability to respond to 1 month open support

  • Strauss94[06-09-2021 08:08]

    Well, fuuck you then :D no playing till a good event. Not 3 stupid mega clones lol. Fuck you nd your stupid casher players. Keep on scamming

  • 0d1n[06-09-2021 07:41]

    Respond to my tickets please!! It’s been over two weeks!!!

  • bloodrush[06-09-2021 01:13]

    I imagine the reason for the alienation from steam is to promote their own game client over the steam version as I imagine Valve gets a cut of all profits from the steam version. Which is reasonable.

  • bloodrush[06-09-2021 01:11]

    While this event is pretty great for people getting into the game as 5/5 eggs are hard to come by. It has it's issues. $20 just for an egg is too much and it alienates people who play on steam.

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