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FINISHEDWinners of "Make a wish Upon DATS Center"

Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings! Heroes of the Digital World.
Congratulations to the winners of "Make a wish Upon DATS Center

Prize : Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg

Winners : 100 Tamers


Server Tamer Name Portal Nick Name
Leviamon omnifactor                       psynosisfactor
Leviamon Lygatto                          Southers
Leviamon Konamaru                         kaelshisho15
Leviamon D0042050_Dekek                   hawkie90
Leviamon Waldo                            Jumeaux
Leviamon D0040936_marcusxu                superhero190
Leviamon TamerStorm                       KlaroMroko
Leviamon seft3                            seft4
Leviamon Kizza94                          Kizza94
Leviamon Husty                            HustyPark
Leviamon Sajitos                          Sajitora
Leviamon sakwane                          yuyukai
Leviamon Hanabira                         FireFlu
Leviamon tuhejn                           monizzz
Leviamon D0039647_htraer                  dome00700
Leviamon D0040087_J4play                  j4playy
Leviamon DHokat                           DHokat
Leviamon Patrickzzz                       Patrickzzz
Leviamon markarth                         potatospuds
Leviamon Cengeng                          Ashardi
Leviamon Bobfisch                         B0bfisch
Leviamon Ortinoth                         Ortinoth
Leviamon D0038947_PartyBox                Nyralyn
Leviamon D0034732_jljlj                   Icyphoenix14
Leviamon hnhn                             ZeedGreymon
Leviamon LizPatty                         duelmaster2277
Leviamon SikGod                           RDG91
Leviamon D0023723_3dsonic3                LuBuWarriors
Leviamon Hatsune01                        Geoverox
Leviamon CoolSun                          CoolSun21
Leviamon D0009447_formiga                 majorformiga
Leviamon D0007732_sentinel8pri            aymenprime
Leviamon Negative1                        Relamon
Leviamon gogo1995                         gojoo
Leviamon IkoAden                          IkoAden
Leviamon D0001297_Valkira                 inferny
Leviamon D0027557_Plaxi                   Plaxi
Leviamon Milisar                          JellyfishCS
Leviamon MadaraU                          AnbuMadaraU
Leviamon MythralBlad3                     Sirtripsalot
Leviamon Scoover                          Scoover
Leviamon hcsa                             hcsa
Leviamon Simon                            cyberlontra1
Leviamon MarcusDB                         digidestined96
Leviamon Mintus                           suzeblack


Server Tamer Name Portal Nick Name
Lucemon iJyji                            Belzesu
Lucemon RyuHonda                         RyuHonda
Lucemon Xantia                           Jaern
Lucemon ragnar12                         Digimaster12344
Lucemon terry123                         wesllem15
Lucemon Pixelshock                       PixelShock75
Lucemon TitanTBD                         titantbd
Lucemon Yoshiro87                        yoshiro87
Lucemon sunfiere                         sunfiere
Lucemon D0032587_xRen                    xBizz
Lucemon HoshinoFujie                     asdertfgh345
Lucemon D0025688_Drago1129               dragonicmaster1129
Lucemon D0026283_Kenzou                  Musica03
Lucemon D0025265_Hanabii                 TokiyaRuuu
Lucemon Kaidun                           BlazingTiger21
Lucemon D0024877_Diesel305               diesel585
Lucemon Azurahn                          Azurahn
Lucemon PsycoMarcus                      psycotamer23
Lucemon Fisti                            Fistjob
Lucemon dracoite                         forfalcon
Lucemon wakakakaa                        c0mp0s3r
Lucemon D0020939_Tarra                   XiksuikX
Lucemon kyleice                          kyleice987
Lucemon DragonTamer                      Deswe
Lucemon Marcus9                          darkpower212
Lucemon diego99                          diegodj99
Lucemon theka                            maxwilliam07
Lucemon D0031940_Number1                 TheGadgetMaster
Lucemon Runway                           Yoici
Lucemon FuumaKotaro                      MagusKusanagi
Lucemon TamerWing                        kwan1995
Lucemon Melly                            Folac
Lucemon huntsfordoku                     Xephyy
Lucemon 9GAG                             xixKIRAxix
Lucemon WarrenBuffet                     LaopanZ
Lucemon JioFreeed                        grgam
Lucemon D0029610_yeahboyy                khimfate12
Lucemon Hunab                            viciosyrock
Lucemon CuteBeibz                        sahawaelah
Lucemon RebornNetsu                      RebornJr
Lucemon Glidna                           purplegrapes
Lucemon DontBeCry                        DontBeShy15
Lucemon D0029943_Nudzi                   Teufik
Lucemon SilverLugia                      CChompy
Lucemon EnderFox                         GreyEnderFox
Lucemon SetengahDewa                     civilitaz
Lucemon HenryK                           harrykap
Lucemon D0028539_Kensai                  HiragixFreezing
Lucemon Salom                            suffel112
Lucemon McChookter                       McChookter
Lucemon Zeigs                            Zeigs
Lucemon Gaomon70                         RyuMasato
Lucemon D0027755_pubokia                 Shiiryuu
Lucemon LukeP99                          lukep99
Lucemon Flaine                           flaine444

 Note: Prizes will be provided on Feb 28, 2012

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  • yogie13[03-05-2012 17:42]

    theres many bot winon this event

  • forfalcon[03-01-2012 13:14]

    I won!! yay!!

  • PixelShock75[02-28-2012 23:31]

    Awesome! My egg turned out to be a Dorugamon egg! Thank you so much!

  • FireFlu[02-27-2012 22:56]

    err... why is it my secondary char who get the prize? can you distribute the prize to my main char at the same ID ? :(

  • dome00700[02-24-2012 21:53]

    Good morning together, I just saw that my tamer name is wrong my name in game is Domnek many thanks

  • xBizz[02-24-2012 21:06]

    if ever you consider it please insert it on "xYuio" same account and Server thanks :D

  • xBizz[02-24-2012 19:15]

    What if the Char. xRen is already Gone. could you move it to the other char. of same account and server because that Char. is deleted a long time ago.

  • cyberlontra1[02-24-2012 12:52]

    But if my prize is correct, can I earn it on my main character Tamer level 43 "R3L1NQU1SH3D" which is the one who appears on the screenshot?

  • cyberlontra1[02-24-2012 12:52]

    character is "R3L1NQU1SH3D". But I need to have an answer: Didn''t you messed the events, and I won the "Confess your undying love" event, but my name was set on the wrong place?

  • cyberlontra1[02-24-2012 12:51]

    I won the "Make a wish upon DATS Center" event, but I sent my screenshot for the "Confess your undying love" event. Plus, I created a character with the name "Simon", but never played with it. My main

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