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FINISHEDDigimon is on Sale!

Hello, this is Digimon Masters.

Greetings Tamers! Here is your chance to get that Digimon you’ve always wanted at a “DISCOUNTED PRICE”. We would like to announce that “Selected Items” in our Cash Shop is now on SALE! And not only that, you can also join our event just by purchasing the items that are on sale.

Sale Period: January 17 ~ 31 2012 (2Weeks)

[Selected items that are on sale]

1. Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon, Elecmon DigiEgg
 Before – 70=Silk
Now – 35 Silk (50% Discount)

2. Consignment Shop License (Seedmon & Kamemon)

1 Day (Before) – 7 Silk (Now) – 4 Silk (43% Discount)
30 Days (Before - 70silk (Now) – 40 Silk (43% Discount)



1. 40 Tamers in each server (Total of 80 Tamers) who will purchase the discounted DigiEggs (Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon) will be selected as winners.

Prize: Digimon Archive Expansion

2. Tamers who will succeed in getting a 5/5 Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon will receive a prize.

a. Buy at least one Discounted DigiEgg (Gotsumon, Drimogemon, Biyomon and Elecmon) and succeed on getting a 5/5 Digimon
b. 5 Lucky tamers on each Discounted DigiEgg will be chosen as winners (20 Per Server/ Total 40 tamers)

5 Tamers who succeeded upon getting 5/5 (Discounted) Gotsumon
5 Tamers who succeeded upon getting 5/5 (Discounted) Drimogemon
5 Tamers who succeeded upon getting 5/5 (Discounted) Biyomon
5 Tamers who succeeded upon getting 5/5 (Discounted) Elecmon

20 Tamers in each server will be selected so a Total of 40 Lucky Tamers will win a New Digimon that will be updated on January 31, 2012 for FREE!

Prize: New Digimon that will be updated on January 31, 2012

Note: Only those players who purchased Discounted DigiEgg during the SALE period will qualify in the Event.

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  • AnderC[02-01-2012 00:00]

    why we do not know who won this event yet? when do we know?

  • Soiyuu[01-31-2012 03:52]

    Woohoo, I got a 5/5 Gotsumon! XD

  • juancito91[01-30-2012 22:53]

    I Hatched: 5/5 Gotsumon 5/5 Piyomon 5/5 Elecmon 5/5 Drimogemon Tamer: Syfer Give me a good prize :D

  • Fangfir3[01-26-2012 10:43]

    Well basically there are a couple icons at the lower right-hand of the screen when you''re playing. Click on the one that looks like a bag and then choose cash shop; that will take you right 2 the shop

  • BillyMK[01-25-2012 21:11]

    Hpw exactly do you buy an egg? I have 270 silk but....I see no buy option by any eggs...I DID however just join yesterday.

  • Fangfir3[01-25-2012 17:21]

    Got a 5/5 Elecmon; that means a win right?

  • Nisashikamon[01-25-2012 02:23]

    Got a 5/5 Biyomon, Tamer Nisashikamon,

  • Wyrvin[01-23-2012 20:58]

    do you have to HATCH the 5/5 or just getting it scanned enough?

  • digiemperor[01-20-2012 12:17]

    I got a 5/5 Drimogemon from the event so now I can''t wait till they release Craniamon. It''ll finally make Drimogemon (& Guardro) worthwhile. (Craniamon is Hiandromon''s BM in Korean Digimon Masters)

  • CyanIceWolf[01-20-2012 03:18]

    and if there is any 5/5 digimon I still want is Dorumon the Dorugoramon line

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