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FINISHED300% EXP Event for the Compensation!

Hello. This is Digimon Masters.

We would like to apologize for the time it took to finish the extra server inspection and to make up for the lost time, We, GMs, have prepared something extra for all of our tamers to enjoy.

This will last for 2hours and 50 minutes and we will try our best to provide the better service as much as possible.

Thank you!

Event Period : January 13, 2012 21:10 ~ 24:00 Joymax Standard Time (2 Hours 50 Minutes)

- 300% EXP has been applied as for the compensation of long time extra server inspection


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  • wesllem15[02-09-2012 05:20]

    vamos nessa

  • jsdjjd[02-03-2012 02:18]


  • aceitalogomerdavelha[01-24-2012 13:31]

    thank you guys are so cool

  • xXJayDogXx[01-18-2012 22:08]

    Why can''t they have an eent start for the player when they log in? All other games can do this!

  • wallacerasta[01-17-2012 05:01]

    Lucemon= Player Wilo -> calling WarGreymon get into the dark towers,hinders the players to play

  • sakraaan[01-16-2012 21:37]

    they just put stupid and useless events untill now

  • Vonlocke[01-15-2012 16:07]

    god you guys are just nothing but mistakes :l i think Ogplanet should have gotten the licensing to this game cause you guys are terrible

  • AshGr8[01-14-2012 20:52]

    This stinks!!!!! Whats the matter, can''t they tell us this a bit earlier!!!

  • OmegaknightX[01-14-2012 13:27]

    y not just make an exp booster and give it out to players so they can use it on their on time?

  • Deej4444[01-14-2012 11:49]

    I hate you all so much. Why don''t you pay any attention to the people that would have these events up in the middle of the night? I''M IN AUSTRALIA FOR GOD''S SAKE! PUT THEM UP AT LIKE, 15:00 FOR ONCE!!

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