Hello this is the GM team.
Now that you had made your vote on the poll the question entitled “What is the most in need to Priorities for update?” it is now time to explain your vote by commenting into this notice.
Tamers who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will be rewarded and we will try to implement it on the system and service advancement.
Gift: mystery reinforced mercenary DigiEgg
Number of winners: 20 Lucky winners
Event Period: July 20 ~ 27, 2012
Winner list: Will be announced one week after poll closing.
Item provision: Will be next weekly server inspection from the winner list posting date
- Only those players who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will qualify for random draw.
- Once the winners have been chosen it is final.
Thank you
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Add Comment...digimon from these updates without Digimon Archive, right? The second main problem is mercenaries bug. Why can''t I get Armadillomon mercenary from Vikemon? Doggymon mercenary from Cerberumon...
I think PvP can wait, the main problem is these overpriced stuff. This game need more Sales for the price of things be cheaper. We need cheap Archive oru event giving Archive! Nobody can''t have a new
With an auction house, finding merchandise will become easier and selling will be simpler. It will aid in a less flooded shout channel as well as a less crowded Dats channel.
Pvp should be added! Its the need of time now, every single tamer want to prove his skills. Pvp will be very essential for this game, Its the pride of all tamers ^^
pm, change to all small letter instead mix.
If overpriced stuff cannot be controlled, please provide events giving archive or mystery eggs, increase in hatching rate is fine, since i broke a lots of merc. eggs
if insist on keeping drop cap, please consider increase the range of level, and we need more interesting enhancement on both tamer and digimon
what about AOE in digimons? it is time for revamp~
The real question is: What''s missing on the game?We have a high level limit, a median number of digimons, an elevated number of quests and maps, now we need the PvP, and we need to improve it now! Thx
bugs can wait, hard to do it in one go