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FINISHEDAnother 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

Another 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

we are sure that all of you are hoping to have another event Exp. Event,

We, the GM team are pleased to announce that we have prepared 500% EXP event to celebrate last week of March GDM Festival,

Thank you for all the support from all our tamers. Continue to support us as we continue to make improvements for your satisfaction.

This event will be progressed for 2 days from April 14 to 15. Please refer to event detail below.

Event Period:
1. April 14: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

2. April 15: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

Event detail:
All players can gain 500% EXP for event period.

April 17, 2012 Updates:
We would also like announce the release of new awesome Digimon
- Terriermon
- CommanDramon
- Gallantmon Crimson Mode
- Event GMs is being prepared for April 17, 2012

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  • JaminFox[04-12-2012 20:24]

    Joymax i really appreciated all of the events you made and i really like the suprise 500% event but when will lopmon come out?? like 2 or 3 months ago you said it will come soon but its still not TY.

  • Jpsky[04-12-2012 20:21]

    Ok, after looking at the KDMO version of Darkdramon, i concluded that the model isn''t good. Please re-adjust the model of Darkdramon in GDMO. Make the waist a bit longer and shoulder pieces smaller.

  • lukep99[04-12-2012 19:37]

    FUN FACT: Gallantmon Crimson mode was made a LONG time ago. They just never put him in the game. And so did terriermon. But Commandramon is completly new. So yeah...there''s that.

  • janjanco[04-12-2012 19:35]

    joymax, some info for Gallantmon Crimson Mode?

  • Jpsky[04-12-2012 18:59]

    Well we''re not really asking for more events but I''ll take the 500% nevertheless ;o BUT OMG thanks for adding Commandramon!!! Darkdramon is one of my favorites! So gonna get a 5/5 ;.;

  • DANB0[04-12-2012 18:46]

    yaaaaaay another crash event.

  • burnsey65[04-12-2012 18:28]

    so they are actually listening to what people want this time? better late than never i suppose :P well done joy.max

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