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FINISHEDAnother 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

Another 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

we are sure that all of you are hoping to have another event Exp. Event,

We, the GM team are pleased to announce that we have prepared 500% EXP event to celebrate last week of March GDM Festival,

Thank you for all the support from all our tamers. Continue to support us as we continue to make improvements for your satisfaction.

This event will be progressed for 2 days from April 14 to 15. Please refer to event detail below.

Event Period:
1. April 14: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

2. April 15: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

Event detail:
All players can gain 500% EXP for event period.

April 17, 2012 Updates:
We would also like announce the release of new awesome Digimon
- Terriermon
- CommanDramon
- Gallantmon Crimson Mode
- Event GMs is being prepared for April 17, 2012

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  • pheinix[04-13-2012 16:44]

    can you also please have a burst mode for piyomon please i really want a burst mode for piyomon a digimon like Zhoqiaomon as a burst mode please

  • pheinix[04-13-2012 16:44]

    can you also please have a burst mode for piyomon please i really want a burst mode for piyomon a digimon like Zhoqiaomon as a burst mode please

  • Sanki88[04-13-2012 15:54]

    first of all, Tyrant and Ancient Troja were only recently added to KDMO, so logically they won''t be in GDMO for a while. Crimson mode is old in comparison. Fujin/Cranium seem more likely

  • niks21[04-13-2012 14:59]

    plz also release drimogemon burst mode fujinmon also korean digimon masters online have alll thse digis plz release them here too

  • niks21[04-13-2012 14:58]

    gulmon came about 4 weeks ago and its already getting crimson mode but tentomon came out loooooooooooooooooooong ago but has not received its burst mode which is tyrantkabuterimon plz release it

  • L2luanda[04-13-2012 13:26]

    Craniumon pls,,,,,,,,

  • SetaSouji[04-13-2012 13:09]

    LOL I want JM to give me a ryuudamon egg for free XD

  • leofirestorm[04-13-2012 10:56]

    Please fujinmon *_*

  • leofirestorm[04-13-2012 10:54]

    Please fujinmon

  • saelbetabi[04-13-2012 10:18]


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