# 01. The Birth of Digimon Masters Online
- Celebrate the birth of Digimon Masters Online and get rewarded during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
[How to celebrate the Birth Season of Digimon Masters Online]
- You can obtain Birthday Card after defeating enemy Digimons by certain chance rate.
- You may also obtain Birthday Cake in every 30 minutes (Maximum 2 hours) as log-in rewards until
21st November.
- You can craft various types of "6th Anniversary Box" by combining Birthday Cards and Birthday Cakes.
- 6th Anniversary Box is available to be crafted by Digitamamon NPC located at DATS Center.
- By right-clicking 6th Anniversary Box, you can open it and get a reward item.
- You can exchange Birthday Cards and Mix Text Boxes to accomplish the achievement "Event Maniac".
[6th Anniversary Box Recipe]
* Birthday Card 10ea = 6th Anniversary Box (Normal)
* Birthday Card 30ea + Birthday Cake = 6th Anniversary Box (Magic)
* Birthday Card 50ea + Birthday Cake 5ea = 6th Anniversary Box (Rare)
* Birthday Card 80ea + Birthday Cake 10ea = 6th Anniversary Box (Epic)
* Birthday Card 150ea + Birthday Cake 20ea = 6th Anniversary Box (Unique)
[How to Accomplish Achievement "Event Maniac"]
* Birthday Card 100ea + Mix Text Box HALOWEN = [Achievement] Event Maniac
- [Achievement] Event Maniac Bonus Stats = Max HP +1000, AT +100 increased
[6th Anniversary Box Item List]
1) 6th Anniversary Box (Normal)
- Birthday Cake
- Jump Booster [All Area] 2ea
- Backup Disk
- Random Low Class DATA
- Others
2) 6th Anniversary Box (Magic)
- Birthday Cake 2ea
- Option Change Stone 2ea
- Number Change Stone 2ea
- Evoluter 2ea
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg (Alpha)
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg (Beta)
- Others
3) 6th Anniversary Box (Rare)
- Birthday Cake 10ea
- Hatch Backup
- Reinforced DigiClone [D~S]
- BM Random Box
- Others
4) 6th Anniversary Box (Epic)
- Birthday Cake 20ea
- Growth Fruit
- Mega Reinforced DigiClone [D~S]
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv 5
- Others
5) 6th Anniversary Box (Unique)
- Birthday Cake 40ea
- Gehenna
- Jogress Mercenary DigiEgg Lv 5
- 102-Blue-BT (3 Slot Digivice)
- Others
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ All the event items except the rewards will be removed after the event.
# 02. Halloween Letter Combination
- Collect the letters, combine them to make "Halloween" and get rewarded during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
[How to make "HALLOWEEN" reward box]
- You can obtain Shining Golden Pumpkin from Pumpkinmons that randomly appear from all areas.
- You can obtain letters for Halloween when you right-click on the Shining Golden Pumpkin.
- After collecting all the letters for "HALLOWEEN", you can exchange them for reward boxes.
- One of the letters H, A, L, O, W, E, N will randomly come out from the Shining Golden Pumpkin.
[Halloween Letters Combination List]
- Mix Text Box "WEN": Combination of 'W','E','N'
└> You can obtain Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg, or DigiEgg (for return) when scanned.
- Mix Text Box "HAL": Combination of 'H','A','L'
└> You can obtain Backup Disk, Random Mid Class DATA Box or other
consumable item when scanned.
- Mix Text Box "OWEN": Combination of 'O','W','E','N'
└> You can obtain Hatch Backup, DigiAura (random duration), Evoluter or other
consumable item when scanned.
- Mix Text Box "ALOWHA": Combination of 'A','L','O','W','H','A'
└> You can obtain Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg, Accessory Stone,
Rare Coin or other consumable items when scanned.
- Mix Text Box "HALOWEN": Combination of 'H','A','L','O','W','E','N'
└> You can obtain BM Random Box, Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Alpha],
Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg [Beta] or other consumable items when scanned.
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ All the event material items (Shining Golden Pumpkin, Mix Text Box, and all letters)
will be removed after the event.
# 03. Challenge! Duel with the Lord of Gluttony
- Challenge Beelzemon, the Lord of Gluttony and get rewarded during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
[How to challenge the Lord of Gluttony]
- Omegamon of DATS Center will give you daily quests.
- Gather Birthday Cards that drop from monsters over all areas and bring them to Omegamon.
- You can obtain Challenge Scroll [Lv. 10] as you complete the quest.
- Challenge Scrolls can be used in D-Terminal Underground Summon Square to summon the
illusion of Beelzemon.
- Talk to Kevin Krier in DATS Center to enter D-Terminal Underground Summon Square.
- The illusion of Beelzemon drops Meal Ticket when defeated. You can exchange them for rewards
through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
- The higher level illusion of Beelzemon summoned by higher rank Challenge Scroll will increase the
quantity of Meal Tickets that you can obtain.
- Challenge Scrolls can be exchanged to [Lv. 40], [Lv. 70], and [Lv. 90] through Digitamamon.
- Challenge Scrolls cannot be used when the tamer level does not meet the requirement.
[Meal Ticket Exchange Item List]
- Amplification Booster +100% [1 Hour] x 2ea / Meal Ticket x 1ea
- Amplification Booster +200% [1 Hour] / Meal Ticket x 1ea
- Amplification Booster +300% [1 Hour] x 2ea / Meal Ticket x 2ea
- Amplification Booster +1000% [1 Hour] / Meal Ticket x 2ea
- Skill Memory Capsule [Attack] / Meal Ticket x 2ea
- Skill Memory Capsule [Defense] / Meal Ticket x 2ea
- Skill Memory Capsule [Support] / Meal Ticket x 2ea
- Attribute EXP Booster [15 Days] / Meal Ticket x 4ea
- Attribute EXP Booster [30 Days] / Meal Ticket x 7ea
※ All event reward items are character bound.
※ All the event material items will be removed after the event.
# 04. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited
[About the Attendance Check]
- You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
- Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
- When the event cycle (28 days) is over, attendance check record will be initialized and
you'll restart from the first.
- Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
- The rewards are character bound.
[Attendance Check Rewards]
# 05. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!
Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 5th December 2017
- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days,
or they'll be expired.
- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea
- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea
- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.
# 06. Turn on the heat 24/7!
Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
- Burning time effect (EXP boost) will be applied all the time during the event.
(1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied 24 hours during the 6th Anniversary & Halloween event term.
※ The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with the
normal EXP boost.
※ EXP Boost effect will recover to the normal EXP Boost after the event.
# 01. 6th Anniversary Box on Limited Sales
- 6th Anniversary Box will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
[6th Anniversary Box Item List]
- Red Light of Life x 500ea
- Blue Light of DigiSoul x 500ea
- Backup Disk x 50ea
- Random Low Class DATA x 80ea
- Option Change Stone x 12ea
- Number Change Stone x 12ea
- Rare Coin x 10ea
- Evoluter x 12ea
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg (Alpha) x 2ea
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg (Beta) x 2ea
- Hatch Backup x 4ea
- Reinforced DigiClone [D~S] x 5ea
- Mega Reinforced DigiClone [D~S] x 2ea
- High Skill Memory Capsule [Attack]
- High Skill Memory Capsule [Defense]
- High Skill Memory Capsule [Support]
- BM Random Box
- Growth Fruit
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv 5 (Alpha)
- Mysterious Mercenary DigiEgg Lv 5 (Beta)
- Jogress Mercenary DigiEgg Lv 5
- Gehenna
- 102-Blue-BT (3 Slot Digivice)
※ You can obtain one of the items on the item list above by opening (right-click) the box.
# 02. Halloween DigiAura on Limited Sales
- Halloween DigiAura (Limited Edition) will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
[About Halloween DigiAura (Limited Edition)]
- It is a DigiAura with Halloween theme.
- Bonus stats for tamer: AT +200, HP +1000, Exp +100% are applied when equipped.
# 03. Halloween Costume Set on Limited Sales
- Halloween Costume Set Box will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 31st October 2017 ~ before maintenance of 21st November 2017
[Halloween Costume Set Box Components List]
- Pumpkinmon Mask [30 Days]: Attack +50, Exp +100%, 2 Attribute Slots
- WaruMonzaemon Gloves [30 Days]: Attack +300, HP +200, 2 Attribute Slots
- Soulmon Robe [30 Days]: Attack +50, HP +1000, 2 Attribute Slots
- Candlemon Candlestick [30 Days]: Attack +200, DS +1000, 2 Attribute Slots
- Wizardmon Shoes [30 Days]: Movement Speed +30%, Friendliness +30, 2 Attribute Slots
※ You can obtain all items on the list above when you open the Halloween Costume Set Box.
※ Unlikely other avatars, the items does not change character's appearance.
(Bonus stats are normally applied)
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