Hello this is the GM team.
Now that you had made your vote on the poll the question entitled “What is the most in need to Priorities for update?” it is now time to explain your vote by commenting into this notice.
Tamers who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will be rewarded and we will try to implement it on the system and service advancement.
Gift: mystery reinforced mercenary DigiEgg
Number of winners: 20 Lucky winners
Event Period: July 20 ~ 27, 2012
Winner list: Will be announced one week after poll closing.
Item provision: Will be next weekly server inspection from the winner list posting date
- Only those players who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will qualify for random draw.
- Once the winners have been chosen it is final.
Thank you
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Add CommentYour working on PvP that''s great. I would like to see drop cap removed, more digimon, and events that give away silk and evolutors. This would make the game more fun and get new players and keep them.
Dear MRs, i would like to improvised u to add digiclone A and backup disk at kamemon digicore shop since people overpriced items which lead to players leaving the game.I hope u will implement them,TY
in my opinion you should remove the drop lvl thing cause from what i see it makes it hard for new players to buy anything in game if you would remove that prices would drop new players would stay
make event in it players join randomly 2 teams fight to get a flag found in middle of 2 places each place have team which fight to get flag and protect it from another team until time of event end
and i forgot most important thing u need to give an prize wheel 50m 1spin u can only spin 1 in a day u can give items like evo,digimon archive,data,bm items and some silk rewards only 1 spin in a day.
i hope add system like the pvp but will be between guilds in it each guild enter with fixed number of players and the guild members who kill members of the other guild win and rewarded
i vote for the hatch rate. i think, if we can hatch more 4/5 digis, we''''ll play more, to train them all. and event that give us free silk, maybe 2 silk for 3/4 hours, so we can buy some cash item.
Bugs should be fixed first. To be honest, isn''t this your job to fix bugs that are reported? It shouldn''t even be on the poll as this is your or the company''s JOB. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
add the best bm''s Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, Omegamon and Alphamon to the game at high price in the cash shop to get better earnings because apart that is PVP coming, the people want to get the best
The pvp system is must for players who have trained their digimon to max level and gave them enchantments. It is also like another game mode where tamers can face all of their rivals.