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FINISHEDChallenge! Expert Craftsman!


# 01. Challenge! Expert Craftsman!
- Challenge for expert craftsman during the event!
- Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 8th August 2017

[How to Challenge for Being Expert Craftsman]

 - Generally, you must undergo trial and error to be the expert craftsman.
 - You can craft event items through Digitamamon in DATS Center.
 - You can obtain basic data from Keramon that appears in Digital World.
 - You can craft other items with some basic data.
 - Crafting with basic data has chance to fail, and the higher value material the higher chance to fail.
 - When you craft item with amazing basic data, you won't have to pay for the crafting fee 
   and the chance of failure drastically decreases.
 - Achievement "Expert Craftsman" applies Digimon HP +1500 / DS +1000 / AT +100 effect 
   when accomplished.

[Basic Data Item Craft List]
 - Gold Banana / Basic Data x 1ea
 - Jump Booster / Basic Data x 2ea
 - Backup Disk / Basic Data x 5ea
 - Option Change Stone / Basic Data x 7ea
 - Number Change Stone / Basic Data x 7ea
 - 1000% Amplification Boost / Basic Data x 9ea
 - Skill Memory Capsule [Attack] / Basic Data x 20ea
 - Skill Memory Capsule [Defense] / Basic Data x 20ea
 - Skill Memory Capsule [Support] / Basic Data x 20ea
 - Amazing Basic Data / Basic Data x 100ea
 - BM Random Box / Basic Data x 200ea, currency 1T as fee
 - Growth Fruit / Basic Data x 200ea, currency 1T as fee
 - Jogress Chip [30 Days] / Basic Data x 300ea, currency 1T as fee
 - DigiAura [30 Days] / Basic Data x 300ea, currency 1T as fee
 - Red-Winged Santa Costume [30 Days] / Basic Data x 300ea, currency 1T as fee
 - Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5 / Basic Data x 600ea, currency 1T as fee
 - Burst Mode Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5 / Basic Data x 700ea, currency 1T as fee
 - Jogress Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5 / Basic Data x 1000ea, currency 1T as fee
 - [Achievement] Expert Craftsman / Basic Data x 1000ea, currency 1T as fee

[Amazing Basic Data Item Craft List]
 - Basic Data 300ea / Amazing Basic Data x 1ea
 - BM Random Box / Amazing Basic Data x 2ea
 - Growth Fruit / Amazing Basic Data x 2ea
 - Jogress Chip [30 Days] / Amazing Basic Data x 3ea
 - DigiAura [30 Days] / Amazing Basic Data x 3ea
 - Red-Winged Santa Costume [30 Days] / Amazing Basic Data x 3ea
 - Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5 / Amazing Basic Data x 6ea
 - Burst Mode Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5 / Amazing Basic Data x 7ea
 - Jogress Random Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg Lv5 / Amazing Basic Data x 10ea
 - [Achievement] Expert Craftsman / Amazing Basic Data x 10ea

※ Event Keramon does not appear from Real World.
※ All the related items are character-bounded.
※ All basic data and amazing basic data will be removed after the event.

# 02. Find the Monster under the Veil
- Help SuperStarmon by finding and defeating the monster during the event.
- Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 8th August 2017

[Hunting the Monster under the Veil]
 - NPC Detective SuperStarmon in DATS Center (he moved) will give you daily quest.
 - After receiving quest, you can obtain item "Veiled Clue" from monsters all over the world.
 - When you use item "Veiled Clue", monster with a prefix "Veiled", or "Bate" will be summoned.
 - "Veiled Clue" item can only be used at Gloomy Outer Area in Western Area: Outskirts map.
 - You can complete the quest once you obtain the item "Set-up Plan" from "Veiled" monsters.
 - "Bate" monsters appear for a short period of time, and you can obtain item "Set-up Plan" 
   when you defeat them in time.
 - It is better to cooperate with other players to complete the quest, as "Veiled" monsters use skills, 
   and "Bate" monsters have high defense.
 - You will receive "Investigation Reward Box" as reward from SuperStarmon 
   when you completed the quest.

[Investigation Reward Box Item List]
 - Gold Banana 50ea
 - Jump Booster 30ea
 - Seal Exchange Ticket 30ea
 - Backup Disk 7ea
 - Option Change Stone 7ea
 - Number Change Stone 7ea
 - Evoluter 5ea
 - Hatch Backup 2ea
 - BM Random Box
 - Growth Fruit

* Right-click on the reward box to open the box and obtain one of the items from the list.

※All items that you obtain from the event are character bound.
※Quest and all the quest related items will be removed after the event.

# 03. Become an Expert Craftsman with Rare Machine
- Rare machine will be filled with special event items during the event term.
- Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 8th August 2017

[Changes on Rare Machine]

 - To be helpful for the Expert Craftsman event, rare machine will be filled with items that 
   required for special crafting during the event term.
 - The rare item you can obtain from rare machine during the event is amazing basic data.
 - The general items excluding the rare item stay the same (no changes).

[Rare Machine Item List (Event)]

 - From slot number 1: Amazing Basic Data x 3
 - From slot number 2: Amazing Basic Data x 6
 - From slot number 3: Amazing Basic Data x 9
 - From slot number 4: Amazing Basic Data x 12
 - From slot number 5: Amazing Basic Data x 15
 - From slot number 6: Amazing Basic Data x 18
※Items that you obtain from rare machine during the event are character bound.
※All amazing basic data will be removed after the event, so please don't forget to use them 
  before event ends.
※The rare machine items will be changed after the event.

# 04. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: Unlimited

[About the Attendance Check]

 - You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
 - Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
 - When the event duration is over, attendance check record will be initialized and 
   you'll restart from the first.
 - Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
 - The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

# 05. Log-in event! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!

Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 22nd August 2017

- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. Please claim the rewards before 7 days, 
  or they'll be expired.

- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea

- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea

- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.

# 06. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!

Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 22nd August 2017

1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).

※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped with the normal EXP 

# 01. Digimon Enhancement Buff Package on Limited Sales
- Digimon Enhancement Buff Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 8th August 2017

  [Digimon Enhancement Buff Package Components]
  1. Plug-in Card [AT] +50% 10ea
  2. Plug-in Card [HPMax] +50% 10ea
  3. Plug-in Card [DSMax] +50% 10ea
  4. Plug-in Card [DE] +50% 10ea
  5. Plug-in Card [Skill Damage] +100% 10ea
  6. Plug-in Card [Critical Damage] +100% 10ea

※The effective time of component [Plug-in Card] is 1 hour each.
※Buff will be removed if Digimon passes out.

# 02. Enhanced Tamer Skills on Limited Sales
- The enhanced tamer skills will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 8th August 2017

[Enhanced Tamer Skill List]

- Enhanced Berserker: Digimon attack damage increased by 80% for a certain period of time
- Enhanced Cheer: Recover Digimon's HP, DS by 100%
- Enhanced Impregnableness: All damages taken reduced by 30% for a certain period of time
- Enhanced Protection: Immune to all damages for short period of time
- Enhanced Pray: Recover HP of all Digimons in the party by 40%
- Enhanced Encouragement: Increases HP of all Digimons in the party by 30% for a certain period of time

# 03. Rare Coin on Limited Sales
- Rare Coin will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 25th July 2017 ~ before maintenance of 22nd August 2017

[Rare Coin Bundle List]
- Rare Coin 1ea
- Rare Coin 5ea Bundle
- Rare Coin 10ea Bundle
- Rare Coin 50ea Bundle

※ Discount rate is applied for the rare coin bundles.

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  • SparkRx[07-26-2017 01:19]

    sorry gameking, maybe i play this game in another event (very very nice event !!!) like event halloween 2016

  • dian23[07-26-2017 01:19]

    miss joymax .. so badly even _RIP DMO July 2017

  • devetoxi[07-26-2017 00:31]

    Do you Think its easy to play this game Gameking? because its not 100's of hours grinding for you to take away my hard earned Teras with Fail after FAIL! i hate this company so much it feels useless

  • devetoxi[07-26-2017 00:29]

    Love this game but its RNG (Random Number Generator) never favors the player come on Gameking this event is so bad since EVERYTHING FAILS!

  • narrako20[07-26-2017 00:19]

    why dont u make seal opener event that make just rich ppl getting then and they r selling them 1 T 500 m each what the hell is that

  • narrako20[07-25-2017 23:39]

    HI i think u have make a mistak in this EVENT about the Find the Monster under the Veil this quest its daily and we need just 15 item that drop from any digimon SO why we got like 100 evrey

  • jatenho[07-25-2017 23:25]

    1t?? porra que zuera em,cade evento mais bosta que o anterior vocês mesmo vão acabar com esse game :(

  • majalengka[07-25-2017 23:09]

    Thank you Gameking and Joymax maybe I should forget this game because I have been disappointed to spend time for this

  • majalengka[07-25-2017 23:09]

    I exchange OCS with 56 Basic Data but why I just get 3 hold me tuker 5 OCS with 51 basic data and I can 3 again last I tuker 1 amazing basics with 100 basics but in inventory is no there, ThanksJoymax

  • Tigtimon[07-25-2017 22:37]

    Please give DMO back to Joymax !!!! I miss Joymax very much

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