Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Our love for Digimon does not stop on just playing Digimon Masters; Most of us have something in real life that reminds them about Digimon.
As you look around you there are things or places that can remind you of Digimon, that cat on your neighbor’s house reminds you about Gatomon or the Doberman of your friend reminds you of Dobermon, take a look around you and find something that can remind you ofDigimon and share the experience to the other players and win special prizes.
Event Period: June 26 to July 24, 2012
Winners Notice: July 31, 2012
Item Distribution: July 31, 2012
1. Take a picture of something that can remind you about Digimon on real life.
2. Upload that picture together with a short explanation on why does this photo (the picture you uploaded) reminds you about Digimon in the forum event section as a comment or reply on a thread entitled Digimon in Everyday Life! on the forums (Forum -> Event Section -> Digimon in everyday life)
Prizes: (30 Players will win the event)
First Place: (one Winner)
Mystery Mercenary DigiEgg x1 + 3Evoluters
Second Place: (2 Winners)
Mystery Mercenary DigiEgg x1
Third Place: (3 Winners)
Consolation: (24 players will receive the prize)
Evoluter x1
Note: The winners will be chosen according to the relativity of their entries to the event, once the winners have been chosen the decision is final.
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Add CommentPlease 18 Evolutor Please Please and 3 Digimon 3/5 Mega and Centarumon
Evoluters need 8 for my first digimon mercenary
3- make a example of what it would be like... most of ppl are just taking random pics from net and saying remember me of X digimon...
1- Consolation prizes for every valid entry 2- In the first prize at least, instead of 3 evos, 1 Digi arquive
I need 8 evoluter for me impmon
I Need 6 Evoluter For My Goblinmon
I Need 6 Evoluter For My HerculesKabuterimon
i need 3 evoluter for my dorugamon
i need 1 evopluter to my parasimon:(
i still need 3 evoluters for my groundramon:(