Iwould Like to thank all The Game Masters For This Effort and the nice Events they are making!
ihave Question about The Exp Boosters!
Can We use 100%+60%+30% boosters all together to get 190% exp?
digiligthmaster[04-28-2012 11:51]
Por favor digan me
digiligthmaster[04-28-2012 11:50]
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GaoHazard[04-28-2012 10:03]
Tanemon digi egg is evolve to tanemon untill mega, its a special digimon, we will get 3/5 from tanemon and kamemon
perimon[04-28-2012 08:46]
The tanemon DigiEgg will be Togemon or Woodmon Line, or perhaps just random? Any clarification on this please?
digiligthmaster[04-28-2012 08:17]
a tanemon digi egg!!!!!! are you nuts. inted I prefer a salamon digi egg , kudamon or a patamon digi egg
comalapa[04-28-2012 08:15]
yey go evoluter!!!! When are you going to give digimon archive expansions agin? Please please please soon. I will play for hours more if you do.
Noahria[04-28-2012 05:18]
Is a tanemon egg normal or 3/5, 4/5, 5/5?.......... i think is a normal tanemon egg ¬¬
Ryuzin[04-28-2012 03:50]
Thank you g.m.!!
coolbiscuit[04-28-2012 03:44]
i would prefer agumon,gabumon, terriermon or guilmon, but seriously dont you have better digis? (theese are goods too....but you know..)
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Add CommentIwould Like to thank all The Game Masters For This Effort and the nice Events they are making! ihave Question about The Exp Boosters! Can We use 100%+60%+30% boosters all together to get 190% exp?
Por favor digan me
Como ago para añadir una persona en la lista de amigos
Tanemon digi egg is evolve to tanemon untill mega, its a special digimon, we will get 3/5 from tanemon and kamemon
The tanemon DigiEgg will be Togemon or Woodmon Line, or perhaps just random? Any clarification on this please?
a tanemon digi egg!!!!!! are you nuts. inted I prefer a salamon digi egg , kudamon or a patamon digi egg
yey go evoluter!!!! When are you going to give digimon archive expansions agin? Please please please soon. I will play for hours more if you do.
Is a tanemon egg normal or 3/5, 4/5, 5/5?.......... i think is a normal tanemon egg ¬¬
Thank you g.m.!!
i would prefer agumon,gabumon, terriermon or guilmon, but seriously dont you have better digis? (theese are goods too....but you know..)