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FINISHEDLet it snow, Let it snow

Greetings tamers!

This event is link the GM event "If you want to build a Snowman", kindly read the mechanics and goodluck!

Event Period:

December 2 – 30, 2014


1. Players who can get a “skating suitor “Snowboard Suit” who wanted to join in this event must post an in-game screenshot while wearing the “skating suit” or “Snowboard Suit”, together with some details like Server, Tamer Name, and Burst mode item request

Example Entry:

Image: (Sample only)

Tamer Name: WildTamer

Server: Leviamon

Burst-mode request: Critical Arms

2. Players need to post the screenshot as a reply on the event announcement on Facebook (Let it snow, Let it snow)

3. Winners will be randomly chosen every week (Tuesday), “5” Lucky tamers each week will win his/her requested burst mode

4. Winners will also be posted every Tuesday and will be inserted with the reward on the same day.



• Players can only request Burst mode items that is currently on sale on the Cash shop

• Players can only win “ONCE” in the entire event period

• Burst mode item that will be given are Character Bounded type



Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Note: Winners can only win once althrough out the event period

comments 112


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  • raditya37[12-07-2014 21:09]

    Tamer:AxeLAkutara Server:lilithmon Burst Mode Request : Return of Nothingness (Apocaly BM)

  • JeanelChino[12-07-2014 12:51]

    Tamer:JeanelChino Server:Barbamon Burst Mode Request: Omega Blade (Imperialdramon PM item)

  • dhie1986[12-07-2014 07:06]

    [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2d7zi8h.jpg[/IMG] Tamer : Dhie86 Server : Barbamon BM Request : Tyrant Crow

  • FlutterYay[12-07-2014 05:30]

    Tamer Yaay0 Server Lilithmon Burt Mode Reques : Holy Spear

  • chuby099[12-07-2014 04:20]

    Tamer:DAC2012 Server:Leviamon Burst Mode Request: Omega Blade (Imperialdramon PM item)

  • ivald[12-06-2014 22:49]

    Tamer : ivaldo Server : Barbamon Burst Mode Request : Gungnir ( Crimson Mode BM item )

  • felipinho959[12-06-2014 22:19]

    Tamer: xFelipe Server : Beelzemon Burst Mode Request : Return of Nothingness (Apocaly BM) or (Sodom and Gomorahh)

  • ary87[12-06-2014 18:36]

    Tamer : zzzARYzzz server : Lucemon Burst Mode Request: Return of nothingness (Apocalypmon bm item)

  • andika999[12-06-2014 18:13]

    Tamer : Yu Server : Leviamon Burst item request : Great King Suit

  • CROWSINTEL1[12-06-2014 16:26]

    Server: Lilithmon Tamer: CROWSINTEL Burst Mode Request: Trump sword

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