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FINISHEDRenewal of Seal Master!




# 01. Renewal of Seal Master
The Seal Master system has been reborn.

◆ Renewal on seal ability application

 1) Change to seal ability application method
- Seal ability applies to the summoned digimon as passive skill.
 The more various seals you collect, and more level you raise, 
 the more various abilities your digimon will gain permanently.

   ex) Before: V-mon seal ability -> Attack damage increases when hunting V-mon
       After: V-mon seal ability -> Summoned digimon's status increase when V-mon seal is applied

◆ Seal abilities have increased
  - Digimon seals have various abilities by type, increasing status in many ways.
    Seals increase attack damage, defense, block rate, evasion, hit rate, attack speed, 
    critical, max HP, and max SP

◆ How to obtain digimon seal
 1) Monster Hunting
  - You can obtain digimon seal by certain chance from monster drop when you hunt 
    the digimon that matches the digimon seal which you wish to acquire.

 2) Using Seal Exchange Ticket
- Digimon that drops digimon seal will drop Seal Exchange Ticket by certain chance.
- You can use Seal Exchange Ticket through Digitamamon in DATS Center to exchange it 
  to the digimon seal that you want.

[Seal Exchange Ticket's Exchange Seal List]

Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Tsunomon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Upamon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Koromon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Seedmon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Agumon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → FanBeemon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Shamamon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Impmon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Kunemon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Armadimon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Elecmon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → ToyAgumon Seal 10ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Dorugamon Seal 5ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Soulmon Seal 5ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Togemon Seal 5ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Garurumon(Black) Seal 5ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Lilymon Seal 1ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → SkullSatamon Seal 1ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Mistymon Seal 1ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Vikaralamon Seal 1ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Asuramon Seal 1ea
Seal Exchange Ticket 1ea → Garudamon Seal 1ea

◆ Changes to Seal Master's UI
 1) Digimon Seal Information
- You can view the overall information of collectable seals from here.

- Press the star shaped toggle on the left of the seal to add it to your list of favorites, 
  and you'll be able to check it from your list later.

- You can check activated and applied seals from here.

- You can check the information of seals you can obtain from each area.

- By using search function located on upper right corner of the UI, 
  you can find seals with the ability you're looking for.

# 02. Battle Statistics System
 Battle statistics system has been newly applied.

◆About the Battle Statistics System
 - It is a system that displays battle status.
 - The hotkey for Battle Statistics window is 'B'.
 - It will display the numeric value of battle during solo-play hunting 
   and party-play battles.
 - Taken damage, given damage, damage per second will be measured based on the results 
   displayed on battle message window.
 - Press the reset button to initialize the collected statistics and restart 
   from the beginning again.


# 01. Having breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- Find the 3 meals a day during the event
- Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 13th June 2017

[How to have breakfast, lunch and dinner]
 - Gatomon randomly appears from all over the areas.
 - Gatomon drops item 'Meal Ticket'.
 - You can exchange 'Meal Ticket' to recovery and buff items through the 
   Capsule Machines in DATS Center.
 - There are 3 types of Capsule Machines, classified by the usable time.

[Using the Capsule Machines]

 - Capsule Machine (1st Meal)
* This capsule machine is for breakfast which you can use with the meal ticket.
* The usable time of 1st meal capsule machine is 04:00 ~ 12:00(GMT +9).

 - Capsule Machine (2nd Meal)
  * This capsule machine is for lunch which you can use with the meal ticket.
* The usable time of 2nd meal capsule machine is 12:00 ~ 20:00(GMT +9).

 - Capsule Machine (3rd Meal)
* This capsule machine is for dinner which you can use with the meal ticket.
* The usable time of 3rd meal capsule machine is 20:00 ~ 04:00(GMT +9).

 [Capsule Machine Item List]

  1) Capsule Machine (1st Meal)
   - Stamina Drink [HP] x 100ea
   - Stamina Drink [DS] x 100ea
   - Meat Pizza x 100ea
   - Plugin Card [AT] 30% [10 Minutes] x 100ea
   - Plugin Card [AT] 50% [10 Minutes] x 100ea
   - Blue Light of DigiSoul x 100ea

2) Capsule Machine (2nd Meal)
 - Hamburger x 100ea
 - Pepperoni Pizza x 100ea
 - Plugin Card [DE] 30% [10 Minutes] x 100ea
 - Plugin Card [DE] 50% [10 Minutes] x 100ea
 - Red Light of Life x 100ea

3) Capsule Machine (3rd Meal)
 - Special Egg Roll x 100ea
 - Chicken Combo x 100ea
 - Cheese Pizza x 100ea
 - Gold Banana x 100ea
 - Amplification Booster +300% [1 Hour] x 20ea
 - Amplification Booster +1000% [1 Hour] x 10ea

 (You can obtain other recovery or buff items when you haven't obtained item from the list above)

※All event materials are character bound.
※All Meal Tickets will be removed after the event.

# 02. Where is Joker?
- Play cards with Piedmon during the event and win rewards.
- Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 13th June 2017

[How to find the Joker]

 - You can obtain Card Chip item as daily 1 hour, 2 hours log-in reward.
 - Card Chips can be used to play cards with Piedmon in DATS Center.
 - When you pick Joker card out of 5 cards, you'll obtain EXP item.
 - EXP item will make your tamer & digimon from level 1 to level 35 when you use it.
 - You'll obtain other consumable items from the other 4 cards besides Joker card.

※Card Chips and reward items from this event are character bound.
※All Card Chips will be removed after the event.

# 03. Lanamon Fan Club
- Become a member of Lanamon fan club and obtain the rewards during the event!
- Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 13th June 2017

[About Lanamon Fan Club]

 - You can receive daily quest from Toucanmon in DATS Center during the event.
 - As a condition to receive the daily quest, you must have Toucanmon as your partner digimon.
 - To complete the quest, you require 10 of each Spirits of Water H and Spirits of Water B.
 - You'll be rewarded Lanamon Fan Card when you completed the quest.
 - You can exchange Lanamon Fan Card to rewards through Toucanmon (NPC).

[Lanamon Fan Card Exchange Reward List]

 * Lanamon Fan Card 1ea - Gold Banana x 80ea
 * Lanamon Fan Card 3ea - Rare Coin x 5ea
 * Lanamon Fan Card 5ea - Evoluter x 10ea
 * Lanamon Fan Card 7ea - Hatch Backup x 3ea
 * Lanamon Fan Card 10ea – Definite Level 4 Mercenary Digiegg
 * Lanamon Fan Card 12ea - Expert's Green Soccer Uniform [30 Days]
 * Lanamon Fan Card 14ea - Definite Level 5 Mercenary Digiegg

※Lanamon Fan Cards and exchange rewards are character bound.
※Daily quest and Lanamon Fan Cards will be removed after the event.

# 04. Check your Attendance Here! Let's Not Miss a Day!
- Gather all the rewards by logging-in Digimon Masters Online everyday.
- Period: After maintenance of 17th May ~ before maintenance of 14th June 2017

[About the Attendance Check]

 - You can check the rewards of attendance check event from the 
   "Event Contents UI" window everyday.
 - Don't forget to log-in every 28 days to claim the final attendance reward.
 - When the event duration is over, attendance check record will be initialized 
   and you'll restart from the first.
 - Reward items can be received from your Cash Warehouse.
 - The rewards are character bound.

[Attendance Check Rewards]

# 05. Log-in event of May! Play the game and claim rewards everyday!

Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 27th June 2017

- Rewards will be given every 30 minutes, 4 times a day when you're online.
- Rewards can be claimed from Gift & Reward Item Storage. 
  Please claim the rewards before 7 days, or they'll be expired.

- Weekday Rewards
(1) Online time 30 minutes: Gold Banana 5ea
(2) Online time 60 minutes: Random DATA Box 2ea
(3) Online time 90 minutes: Miracle Fruit 1ea
(4) Online time 120 minutes: Log-in Reward Coin 1ea

- Weekend Bonus Rewards
(1) Online 180 minutes on Saturday: Amplification Booster +200% (1 Hour) 2ea
(2) Online 180 minutes on Sunday: Random DATA Box Mid Class 2ea

- All the rewards are untradable.
- Reward distribution time is reset every midnight (00:00) (GMT +9).
- Log-in Reward Coin can be exchanged for Mercenary DigiEgg through [Event] Yukidarumon.

# 06. Turn on the heat with burning EXP in Digimon Masters Online!

Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 27th June 2017

1) Burning Time: 500% additional EXP applied every 11:00~14:00 & 23:00 ~ 02:00 (GMT+09).

※The 500% EXP boost is a fixed value during the event time and it is not overlapped 
  with the normal EXP boost.


# 01. Seal Master Package on Limited Sales
- Seal Master Package will be on sales for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 13th June 2017

[Seal Master Package Normal]
- Seal Opener 100ea
- Seal Closer 100ea
- Seal Exchange Ticket [Event] 200ea

[Seal Master Package Advanced]
- Seal Opener 250ea
- Seal Closer 250ea
- Seal Exchange Ticket [Event] 500ea

# 02. Evolution DigiEgg on Discount
- Evolution DigiEgg will be on discounted price for a limited time.
- Period: After maintenance of 30th May 2017 ~ before maintenance of 13th June 2017

[Discount Item List]
- DigiEgg of Kindness
- DigiEgg of Light
- DigiEgg of Hope
- DigiEgg of Reliability
- DigiEgg of Knowledge
- DigiEgg of Sincerity
- DigiEgg of Love
- DigiEgg of Friendship
- DigiEgg of Courage

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