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FINISHEDExplain your vote on the poll question

Hello this is the GM team.

Now that you had made your vote on the poll the question entitled “What is the most in need to Priorities for update?” it is now time to explain your vote by commenting into this notice.

Tamers who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will be rewarded and we will try to implement it on the system and service advancement.

Gift: mystery reinforced mercenary DigiEgg

Number of winners: 20 Lucky winners

Event Period: July 20 ~ 27, 2012

Winner list: Will be announced one week after poll closing.

Item provision: Will be next weekly server inspection from the winner list posting date


  • Only those players who explained their opinion in a clear and concise manner will qualify for random draw.
  • Once the winners have been chosen it is final.

Thank you

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  • blackstarlove[07-24-2012 03:41]

    pvp is the most important right because in pvp you get to face other players with strategy you could defeate them even if they are higher in level so its better then facing digi using the same moves

  • redthunder96[07-24-2012 02:35]

    1 - ( i think we need BM items for all digimon ) 2 - ( HATCHING eggs should be little easier ) 3- AND WHAT SHOULD EVERY GOOD GAME HAVE ( awesome graphic )

  • allenbryy[07-24-2012 02:31]

    I think new areas, especially for some of the less forgiving level ranges, should be added. For example, lv30-40 (roughly) can be difficult for some types of digimon. More areas could alleviate this.

  • LonewolfNoir[07-24-2012 02:29]

    New hunting maps that can give more options to train your digimons, so one spot won''t be so crowded. New digimons on those maps. Remove drop cap can make the game better, and players will return.

  • creativety0[07-24-2012 02:05]

    The game lacks content. New areas, PvP, New digimons and BM, Hyper Monsters, etc. Some ideas here: http://www.joymax.com/portal/property_front.aspx?workurl=http://portalcp.joymax.com/Forums/Forums.asp

  • TT-Bino[07-24-2012 01:08]

    Pvp system should be priority, 1x1, party battle, guilds battle (to control something or rewards). Party survival coliseum vs mobs for rewards is nice too. Just grinding makes the game boring.

  • ZeroRurushu[07-24-2012 01:05]

    It would be nice if we could get mutual friend requests where the other person accepts to be your friend adding a more friend based idea to the game rather than just adding people randomly.

  • XEskavahX[07-24-2012 00:48]

    I would like to suggest removing the drop cap. This will allow players to farm their favorite mercenary better. This should also bring back a lot of players. Thank you for your time. :)

  • prajandika[07-24-2012 00:41]

    I think improving the performance or safety of hackshield DMO,, so every week or every completed maintenance bot or cheat can not be used anymore .... thank,,I only give my opinion or advice

  • iMashMushie[07-24-2012 00:39]

    You should balance the hatch rate of eggs to attract more people in playing DMO. Make the cloning more easier for people to be more interested in the game. Have more cooler events! More Power!

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