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FINISHEDBigger and Stronger event Extension!

Hello, this is Digimon Masters.

Greetings Tamers! Due to "Popular Demand" by most of our players, we are happy to announce that we the GM’s are extending the “Bigger and Stronger more awesome fun Event”, all of our players can now enjoy this event for another week!

Event Extension Details

Below is the event that has been extended until June 26, 2012:

1. Purchased new DigiEggs and receive a “Gift Box
2. The Ultimate Cool – The Burst mode
3. Stay Connected!
4. Favors for Digimon
5. The Exp. Event Continues!

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  • kadoodles[06-19-2012 22:52]

    Translation: DMO was not able to get a new update out in time, thus is extending this one

  • Sunny42[06-19-2012 22:05]

    Nice… Though it would have been nicer you had informed us sooner, so people wouldn’t spend all their Event items on cheaper stuff thinking it ended with today’s maintenance…

  • gogeta0301[06-19-2012 21:28]

    i dont think its a popular demand at all. there are many players who want a new event which gives some decent rewards

  • LuanBRxD[06-19-2012 20:23]

    and the others players don''t take the drops is problem of they, who get all make a sacrifice but the others no and will be have a new weekend , well so plesae update pvp system for better ''

  • LuanBRxD[06-19-2012 20:22]

    us was waiting more joy ;/...

  • LuanBRxD[06-19-2012 20:21]

    oh god!, this event again... well Dmo really losing the fans, my expective was a new event with digimon archive expansion or evoluter but no, the same! -.-''

  • squirtledogg[06-19-2012 20:02]

    That sucks I was looking forward to a new event starting >.< What about the loyal player who logged in and got the items BEFORE the end of the event? Why do we need all this extra rope?

  • rex312[06-19-2012 19:41]

    no not another week :[

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