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FINISHEDHatching frenzy event.

Greetings Tamers!

We the GM’s know the excitement that a player is having while hatching a DigiEgg, but what if we tell you that a player can have a chance of getting an extra thrill while hatching??

Sounds good right? So if you have eggs whether its 3/5, 4/5, or even 5/5 save those eggs for this event.

Event Period:

August 05 to September 02, 2014 (4 weeks)


1. GM will enter the game and will do an in-game announcement that the event is about to start on a server that is scheduled for an event.

2. After announcing that the event is about to start, GM will then announce the “SCALE” of the Digimon that needs to be achieve by the players who will hatch a Digimon.

3. GM’s will execute 3 categories for the event, the GM will execute the 3/5 category first next is the 4/5 category and last is the 5/5 category.

4. At every category a GM will shout range of scale that he/she is looking for a hatch Digimon.


Hatch a 3/5 digiegg and the first 3 players who can get “120cm to 123cm” will be declared as winners.


• GM’s will decide on the scale that he/she is looking for provided that the scale is in range on the category.

5. After hatching the player must take a screenshot with an open Digimon information window (Press “D”) and upload the entries into an image hosting site.

6. After uploading the needed image, players must then post the link together with the other information on the Forum Thread

Click the Link Below:

Hatching Frenzy


• Forum thread is locked and will be open only when the even is on going in-game

• All entries will be checked to see if the image is authentic

• Tamer Name, Server, Category, and Digimon Name Must be included on the posted entry


Link: link to image (To where it has been uploaded)

Category: Category 1

Tamer Name: ApplePie

Server: Leviamon

• Forum thread will be locked after event execution this is to prevent unwanted post to it and shall be unlocked before executing the event again

• Using a miracle fruit is allowed just keep in mind that using it may help you reach the required cm to win or it may cause your Digimon to get smaller

• Hatching date and time will be checked so all hatching must be done on schedule that is posted on the website (wait for in game announcement of a GM)

7. Each category will only run for 20 Minutes (1 hour all category), 5minutes in game announcement and 15 minutes hatching and posting the link on Facebook as to where the image has been uploaded.

8.  After the GM announced the scale that he/she is looking for, players needs to hatch their Digiegg within the given period of time.

9. And the first 10 tamers who can get the required scale (within range) will be declared a winner for that category.

10. The event will move into the next category until all 3 categories is done.

11. All winners on each category will be announce in game after 15 minutes of the last category


Category 1 (3/5) (10 Winners)

1x 1Day Growth Factor

2x 1000% exp. Booster

5x Backup disk

5x Clone B

5x Clone C

Category 2 (4/5) (10 Winners)

2x 1Day Growth Factor

5x 1000% exp. Booster

5x Backup disk

5x Clone B

5x Clone C

5x Clone A

Category 3 (5/5) (10 Winners)

3x 1Day Growth Factor

6x 1000% exp. Booster

6x Backup disk

6x Clone B

6x Clone C

6x Clone A 

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