FINISHEDBigger and Stronger event Extension!
Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings Tamers! Due to "Popular Demand" by most of our players, we are happy to announce that we the GM’s are extending the “Bigger and Stronger more awesome fun Event”, all of our players can now enjoy this event for another week!
Event Extension Details
Below is the event that has been extended until June 26, 2012:
1. Purchased new DigiEggs and receive a “Gift Box”
2. The Ultimate Cool – The Burst mode
3. Stay Connected!
4. Favors for Digimon
5. The Exp. Event Continues!
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Add CommentI agree with Sunny42 and squirtledogg. Its just disappointing to make extra effort(Like waking up at 3 am every morning or sleeping at 2 am every morning) just to complete 50 ropes before June 19.
evoluter event so many players need them...
make evoluter event please!!!
the exp event should be forever and plz joymax my veemon wants paildramon so bad :)
make a event of evoluters i need pleasee i need the evolution of my mercenaries
make a event of evoluters i need pleasee i need the evolution of my mercenaries
make a event of evoluters i need pleasee i need the evolution of my mercenaries
yeah, we have been waiting for a month for much better, or maybe more fun event.
SO Thanks JoyMax I really appreciate it! :]
Yall need to quit complaining for 1 its just another week.Yall seriously can''t wait? Jebus maybe some people (like me) need that extra week cuz I had finals not too long ago and was off DMO for a week