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FINISHEDAdditional New Digimon Release Event Part 3

Hello, this is [GM]Eiuol.

As you may all know, we, the GM team, have been creating ways to improve your Digital experience and make it more fun than it could ever be. So as we release another mercenary digimon that you may choose to fight by your side, we are giving you a bonus Mystery Mercenary digiEgg. For those of you who choose to buy and have Palmon to be one of your faithful mercenaries, we will be throwing in 1 unit of Mystery Mercenary digiEgg for free.

Period: March 06 - 20, 2012

Event Details:

Buy Palmon (Togemon) and Get 1 unit of Mystery Mercenary digiEgg!

Whoever purchases a Palmon (Togemon) from the Cash Shop will automatically be provided 1 units of Mystery Mercenary digiEgg! by our system. So what are you waiting for? Get them now!

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  • saguadoidao[03-08-2012 02:31]

    takes the drop of all the Digimon card please on March 20

  • Paraclipse[03-07-2012 22:08]

    Olvko hes coming out on March 20th

  • olvko[03-07-2012 16:33]

    You should release guilmon i want that one the most hes been my favorite since i saw him and ive been watching digimon since it came out

  • JusticeBreaker[03-07-2012 16:15]

    Come on Joymax!! put Dracomon In The Cash Shop Already!! Please.......I Want Him So Badly!!! Please

  • Handcuffz[03-07-2012 14:59]

    lame!!! the spring break in on 3/12~3/18. and you update it on 3/20....very disappointed!!!.

  • dinoteen[03-07-2012 14:16]

    Please bring out betamon soon. I love the seadramon line scenie I first saw the epsiode of seadramon.

  • chaosdragon13[03-07-2012 12:02]

    dear Joymax i want dracomon in the cashshop pleas put him in it or make coredramon drop him alredy

  • Marckisan14[03-07-2012 11:43]

    Dear Joymax, I really love playing DMO but there is one thing bothering me and it is why did you make it so hard to find mercenary egg and why did you have to make it hard to hatch them too?

  • Jpsky[03-07-2012 11:12]

    Please add Betamon SOON!!! I also second the Ninjamon and Gaiomon suggestion although they aren''t that popular.

  • digiman500[03-07-2012 07:43]

    I want guilmon add him to the shop!

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