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FINISHEDMore Awesome Fun Event!


Purchase 30~50% OFF-PRICE items and WIN chances to get Brand NEW Digimon

Digimon Archive Expansion, and Amplification Booster +200% all for FREE!


Hello, this is Digimon Masters.

Greetings Tamers!

We would like to inform our players that new events will be added on “Digimon on sale” event!

Please be aware of the event contents and don’t miss your chance to win the tons of additional gifts and New DigiEggs that will be updated on May 8, 2012!

Note: Only those players who purchased Discounted DigiEgg & EXP during the SALE period (April 24, 2012 ~ May 8, 2012 (2Weeks)) will qualify in the Event.

1. 20 Tamers in each server (Total of 80 Tamers) who will purchase the discounted DigiEggs (Gomamon, Hagurumon(Gardromon), Demidevimon(Bakemon) & Dokunemon) will be selected as winners.


Prize: Digimon Archive Expansion

2. Tamers who will succeed in getting a 5/5 Gomamon, Hagurumon(Gardromon), Demidevimon(Bakemon) & Dokunemon will receive a prize


a. Buy at least one Discounted DigiEgg (Gomamon, Hagurumon(Gardromon), Demidevimon(Bakemon) & Dokunemon) and succeed on getting a 5/5 Digimon

b. 10 Lucky tamers on each server will be chosen as winners. (10 Tamers in each server, Total 40 tamers)

10 Tamers in each server will be selected to a Total of 40 Lucky Tamers will win a New Digimon that will be updated on May 8, 2012  for FREE!

Prize: New Digimon that will be updated on May 8, 2012

3. 50 Tamers in each server (Total of 200 Tamers) who will purchase the discounted EXP (EXP booster 60%, Premium EXP, EXP equipment set A/B and Premium Package A/B, 30%) will be selected as winners.


Prize: Amplification Booster +200%

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