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FINISHEDAnother 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

Another 500% EXP surprise, Tamers!

we are sure that all of you are hoping to have another event Exp. Event,

We, the GM team are pleased to announce that we have prepared 500% EXP event to celebrate last week of March GDM Festival,

Thank you for all the support from all our tamers. Continue to support us as we continue to make improvements for your satisfaction.

This event will be progressed for 2 days from April 14 to 15. Please refer to event detail below.

Event Period:
1. April 14: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

2. April 15: (2 hours 3 times, total 6 hours)

01:00 ~ 03:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 AM (Joymax Standard Time)
08:00 ~ 10:00 PM (Joymax Standard Time)

Event detail:
All players can gain 500% EXP for event period.

April 17, 2012 Updates:
We would also like announce the release of new awesome Digimon
- Terriermon
- CommanDramon
- Gallantmon Crimson Mode
- Event GMs is being prepared for April 17, 2012

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  • ObsidianVolke[04-14-2012 08:25]

    Honestly they should just make a 500% exp booster and hand them out instead of doing this...just make it character bound. that way this doesn''t happen and people can use it whenever.

  • xXShadowAgumonXx[04-14-2012 08:24]

    cmon fix it already ...

  • boysonicman[04-14-2012 08:24]

    have i wast all my Psilk for this

  • Tacoboiz[04-14-2012 08:23]

    thanks guys. i really didnt want to start over again. i saw the server and its under maintenance. please take your time to repair this. i am sure it was an error in the system. we are all not perfect.

  • boysonicman[04-14-2012 08:23]

    levia was back but i stuck by loading

  • PrinceLink1993[04-14-2012 08:23]

    what about EVENT DETAIL: All players san gain 500% for event period -.-

  • Pandaea[04-14-2012 08:22]

    Its not about 500% exp booster, but its about 500+ dissapointed comments.

  • boysonicman[04-14-2012 08:21]

    PLZ fix the server i want my dex to mega

  • xXShadowAgumonXx[04-14-2012 08:21]

    would be way better if you dont announce the 500% exp event. We cant play this way... the other time it was great coz no one knew bout it, and there were no crashes

  • Ryuudai[04-14-2012 08:21]

    i wasted an xp booster and i want something as a repay, thi event su c k s

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