Greetings Tamers,
Here are the winners of "Upload your unique level-up tips", congratulations to all of the winners.
GMs Special Gift (1 Winner)
Prize: 1 Kudamon Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg and 10 pcs Evoluters
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname: Darmz
The Level up Tip of the Grand Winner will be posted at our website next week after server Inspection
Gift of Gratitude (50 Selected Winners)
Prize: Mystery Reinforced Mercenary DigiEgg
Prize Provision: May 29, 2012 after Weekly Server Inspection
Nickname |
Nosckid |
JatXas |
Omni21 |
RandyArga |
greenmage108 |
niks21 |
Alreadyinusee |
boonaun93 |
Bekleding |
andrewlambesis |
CeciliaCrescent |
k3ff0 |
yobelI |
WilNLusi |
pedopandabear |
cbita95 |
niwre242 |
fumundamaballz |
cheffe615 |
CerebRuZ |
sullenclown1988 |
demat |
Czarovelt |
CookieMonster1193 |
JooeeeT |
gastarii |
GusAgus |
Amenenza |
KonTLoE |
Ryuzin |
codei |
GwenRyuunami |
ukiii |
Deinocheirus |
Ainnalim |
gazeking |
rgsantos |
DensetsuNoChangeman |
TobiGuy |
ryo5713 |
KyuubiBroly |
Rhonder |
DuoMaximilian |
SyncDae |
mezuki |
XxProdigyxxX |
Lhogan |
Dannzar |
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Add Commentat least the guy who won actually posted a TIP not a GUIDE
Obviusly FAIL EVENT, how sad...
ive read the kudamons winners post and he is deserving, btw which server are you from?
thanks. btw, how could I (post #34 page 4) lost with Darmz (post #577 page 58) :/ you can read it... makes it obvious.. :)
omg! hahaha Kudamon! :) thanks JOYMAX! THE BEST! :)
The winning post is on the 58th page (#577), if anyone is interested.
wat server the winner of the kudamon is from? i hope not leviamon
oh i not can see my name anywhere:king
omg i won
wow my friend czar won, too bad i dont see my name, i wonder who got the kudamon