FINISHEDDigimon is on Sale up to 50%
Hello, this is Digimon Masters.
Greetings Tamers!
Here is your chance to get the Digimon you’ve always wanted at a “DISCOUNTED PRICE”, and Now, we are happy to announce that “Selected Items” in our Cash Shop are now on SALE!
Do not miss your chances as you wanted!
1. Gomamon, Hagurumon(Gardromon), Dokunemon & Demidevimon, 50% Discount!
From 70 Silk now 35 Silk!
2. EXP is on sale!
EXP booster 60%, Premium EXP, EXP equipment set A/B and Premium Package A/B, 30% Discount!
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Add Commentplis add alphamon and put in a burst mode for biyomon and azulong mon pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
plis add alphamon and put in a burst mode for biyomon and azulong mon pliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis
I Waited 45 Minutes For That Kamemon Egg And It Dissapeared Before The Counter Hit 0.... Please Tell Me Were It Went Or Why We Didn''t Get The Egg? :(
where is our kamemon event-egg?? http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4157/kamemonegg.jpg
Hey guys :) Nice Event, but why you dont put some new Eggs in? Like DexDorugamon Mercenary Egg or a BlackRenamon digi Egg *-* Thanks
please add blackseraphimon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Add omnimon pls! i have good idea, make it so that if you get agumons mega ang gabumons mega you can make omnimon!
DemiDevimon isnt on cash shop 50% discount...
Add CintaMon Plis !